The City of Elgin's Community Development Department had a retirement party for the 5 people in management from their Department that are leaving.

Many of Mike's co-workers and friends came to say goodbye and wish him well.
Anyone who know us knows that usually I'M the one with a beer in my hand hopping from table to table visiting with everyone at a party while Mike drinks his Diet Pepsi.
Last night it was Mike's turn to let go and have a good time sharing beers and shots with his friends.
Tequila shots with Sofia and Shelia
John R. who is retiring too and John M who wishes it was him

Debbie, who Mike hired and is leaving too and Carolyn who started 6 months before Mike and leaving soon
Mike's conference partner in crime, Dan from Lake Zurich showed up.

Sharen and Dup made an appearance.

All of our kids were there (special thanks to Bryan and Mary for leaving work early and driving out - I know it meant a LOT to Mike)
I sat there drinking my iced tea listening to stories and watching Mike getting hugs and hand shakes from members of the city council, city attorneys, city inspectors, city clerks, and all the office staff.
I always knew that Mike loved his job with code enforcement and the satisfaction that he got out of doing his job and teaching code enforcement to others, but now I know how much he actually contributed to the city and that the people respected and loved him.