Today I took Kaylyn shopping for her "flower girl" dress.
I would show her something and she would tell me if she liked it or not. She tried on about 8 dresses that were suitable for the wedding - some were scratchy, some were too big, some just looked bad, but we found the perfect dress.
Stacy and I were looking for the right color and fit, but all Kaylyn cared about was how it twirled. It twirls!!! She wants to twirl with Mary and Papa, but Bryan, he can twirl with me.
When we had the perfect dress we let her try on some of the more wilder dresses in the store. Bright lime green with rhinestones and a couple hot pink. Stupid me forgot my camera, but that little girl looks really good in pink.
We made a pit stop on the way home at my Mothers so she could see the dress and she thought that Kaylyn looked adorable. She told Kaylyn that people would be watching her and not the bride. She thought that was cool.
The dress is hanging right next to mine in my closet. Stacy was afraid that if she took it home Kaylyn would want to were it everyday.