About a month ago Brita, a woman that works with Sharen, who is a great quilter, asked her if she and I wanted to join a "Mystery Quilt" group.
Sharen told her absolutely!
Brita is the woman who actually quilted Bryan and Mary's wedding quilt for me.
It's her daughter, Amanda, who herself is a great quilter that is spear heading this project.
While I was on vacation Sharen got our first letter with instructions for the first step in making the quilt. There are 3 steps.
Sharen emailed me that she got it and I wanted to come home that day I was so excited.
Sharen and I decided to not shop together for our material so our quilts will be a surprise and a mystery to each other too.
I decided to keep this quilt for our bed. It will turn out to be a queen size quilt and I haven't made one for us yet.
Sharen and I did tell each other what color we would put on the back of our quilts, just in case we happened to pick out the same focus material. IT could happen. Mine is blue and hers is brown so I think we are safe.
We had to buy 4 different materials
1 focus
1 light background
1 Secondary Accent
1 Primary Accent - this material is for the border so we could hold off buying this one till later (I found the perfect fit so I bought mine)
Amanda gave us really specific instructions on cutting and piecing 32 squares and 32 1/2 squares. WE have no idea what the finished quilt looks like either.
I should have my squares done tomorrow and I can not wait to get our second letter with the next step.
The unveiling of all the quilts will be at Amanda's house in May.
I am really excited to go - she is the one that bought Darlene's house and Sharen said that they have been doing a lot of improvements. I cannot wait to see what they have done to the house that my husband grew up in.