Our annual trip to NY to visit with Steve started out with a stop in Cleveland.
Sox Game... We got great seats on the first base side, third row.
After a rain delay of 40 minutes - which was a good thing because it took me that long to find plain nachos with the crappy yellow cheese - That's all I wanted. Not the loaded soggy mess they were trying to sell. Cleveland concessions suck! Game started out great, but Sox Lose. I have to say the Cleveland fans are really sore winners. I finally had to tell them they were playing the Sox and not the Cubs. "Chicago is Chicago" they say. OMG They are So wrong.
Sunday we had a cook out. Mike grilled and Dennis, Steve's boss came over. Relaxing afternoon.
.Weather was hot, but we did manage to take a day to play golf. We found a great course last year and found it was just as enjoyable this time.
Wednesday's are matinees. Steve treated us to "Miss Saigon".
The girl who played the lead was up for a Tony at age 21. She lost to Bette Midler - she had no chance. But man is she really good. I can not understand how a stage actor can get up for so much emotion every performance.
Me, Mike and Barbara, Steve's friend who lives in NYC |
Steve's house is 20 minutes from West Point so Mike and I decided to take a tour of the place. We loaded onto a bus with 23 Chinese/Vietnamese/Laotian. I don't know what they were, but none spoke English. We had the guide all to ourselves. We got out 3 different times to walk. It was a great tour.
Highly recommended.
Our last stop was on the way home for a Cubs game in Pittsburgh. Great seats again down the first base side. Row 2. The fans around us here were very friendly.
After dragging Mike to 5 different stadiums to watch the Sox it was only fair I go to one for him. Only it was a throw back game between the Leland Giants (Cubs) against the Grays (Pirates). UGH... I don't know who plays on the Cubs and now they don't have their names on their jerseys. Mike was very patient with me and all my questions.
Now Pittsburgh has some great food. Concession stands everywhere. We both liked the place. AND the Cubs gave Mike a winner in the top of the ninth.
I also did something very smart this time I booked our hotel right across the street from both stadiums. While everyone is paying $50 in Cleveland and $35 in Pittsburgh to park. We walked and were back in our room in 15 minutes. Granted we paid a litle more for the room, but so worth it.
The trip was a busy week and it is always great to visit with Steve and his family. Jack, Sally, Mia, Chanel, Milo and Millie. Thanks for having us again, Steve. Oh, and a big thanks for the chocolate, chocolate chip cheesecake. Yummy...