Last day of school for Roger was Friday and what better way to celebrate then a weekend with Grandpa and Grandma Millikan.
Our plan was to keep them fed and active.
Even though the rain put a crimp in the outdoor activities we did get in a few bike rides. Mike and I had to dust off our bike helmets. It's been years since we have worn them. I know miracle that we still had them in the garage. Helmets on and off we go!
I found some sling shots at the dollar store and seriously what boys doesn't like to shoot balls in the air. I did try to catch them, but that was a disaster. The fire pit was wet so it was s'mores on the grill.
I made the boys put on pants. Luke: "You know it's hot out right?" Me: "You don't want to feed the mosquitos. Right?"
Notice the blue plastic in the background? That is my make shift down spout. We still haven't gotten the eaves fixed from the tree mishap and it's been raining a lot. So it's off the roof and down the plastic.
Day 2 started out rainy too, so Mike set up the Wii.
Roger's first time out and he beat Mike/me (Mike started the game and I finished).
Big Smile - Who doesn't like to win |
We set up a profile for Roger and he took off - working up a sweat most times. Tennis was a favorite. He played with all of us and got mighty good at it. He does like to point out that he is the top scorer in the bubble raft game. Grandma is the queen of the hula hoop. grandpa is tops on most of the other games.
Luke is really into "Hidden Pictures" and he like to fix puzzles (puzzles makes me Happy!!) so it was a no brainer for me to buy these puzzles that included both.
When we weren't playing "Can you Find?" with the puzzles He and Grandpa got the spy glasses out and looked in the books.
"Do you see it?" |
While Sharen and I were taking our daily walk Sunday, Mike took the boys to Wal-Mart. Lemon Heads were the only thing on the grocery list. I think Mike was just giving me a break. he does love spoiling the grandkids.
Of course they come home with Legos.
Luke comes running in the door shouting "Grandma, they have the lego set that grandpa wants for fathers Day. You better go get it" The Millennium Falcon.
Roger: "yeah, they only have 4 left."
Who needs instructions? Rogers lego world |
Monday Mike went off to work so it was just me and the boys.
They were both pretty tired from the weekend so I got out my Tupperware full of change and gave them paper sleeves and we spent an hour or more stuffing coins. Bryan was a big fan of this too when he was little.
Best part they got to take the money home.
We planned one last thing before heading home. A trip to Cantigny park. Monday the museums are closed so we figured that the park would be less crowded.
It was!
We first had to map out our plan. The boys were excited to see the park in the floor. No, I did not step on it - didn't get even close.
there's the tanks |
On to the tank park. there are 12 tanks and the boys climbed on them ALL. They had them all to them selves. I was a little cautious and heard a few times "I can do it myself." Mike gave a few boosts, but for the most part they did pretty good. Most of the time they ran from tank to tank and were up on them before we got there.
I had the boys put on their coats, but they really didn't need them. Except to hide from the bad guys.
A short stop at the playground and I could tell the boys were hungry and tired. Time to head on home.
What better way to end the "vacation with Grandma and grandpa" then a trip to DQ.
Blizzards |
There was 2 elderly women sitting in there having ice cream cones and when we left they told me I was lucky to have such well behaved grandkids that love me.
YES, I am.