We thought this year was going to be a year when we could take our regular February vacation. I really wanted to head southeast to see my sister Mary.
Mike's Dr. had a different plan and scheduled shoulder surgery for Feb. 10. I booked us a condo in Hilton Head for the middle of March. Thinking hopefully Mike would be somewhat recovered for golfing. Golf didn't happen.
I called Mary and asked if she and Dave would be up for a visit. She whole heartfully agreed. Everything got planned.
I was so excited to see Mary. She was diagnosis with cancer in August of 2020 and with Covid and her treatments we were not allowed to visit.
She needed to know that we (her Illinois family) haven't forgotten about her - we think of her often and love her. I needed to hug her and hold her and give her some positive energy. I wanted to hear about her chemo treatments and how her and Dave handle things. Mostly I wanted to make her smile and laugh, talk about old times and just hang out with them.
Mike and I decided to stop in Knoxville on the first night and get to Mary and Dave's sometime in the morning. Giving her time to get up and get ready. she warned me mornings are the worst.
We check into the hotel and of course the people at the counter asked where we were from. "Elgin, Il up near Chicago."
"So you brought the snow with you."
Now it's 70 degrees and I thought she was kidding.
Mike and I settle in and turn on the news. Yup. They are calling for 3-6 inches. Telling everyone stay home for the next 24 to 48 hours.
Mike and I looked at each other and both agreed to get back on the road and get thru the mountains. Better in the dark and dry instead of snow. We drove that night to Greenville. 40 minutes from Mary.
I called Mary in the morning and set up a time to visit. She said she needed some extra time to get cleaned up.
She looked beautiful. Just like my sister Mary (only thinner). She got a beautiful wig that is better than her original hair. (Sorry Mary). She's moving faster than I was. Her voice was strong. Her mind was much shaper that mine and Dave's. I was so happy to see that.
We know she's sick. Cancer is hard. Her and Dave make a great team and are battling this shit together. She trusts her Doctors and has a positive mind. I am so proud of her. I am going to continue to pray for them every night and wish the best for them. I love You Mary. And Dave I am so thankful to you and your dedication and love for my sister.
Me and Mary |