Saturday, January 11, 2025


 Last summer Mary asked me if I was interested in making quilts out of shirts and baby outfits she had saved from the boys.

I have always wanted to try and make a t-shirt quilt so I agreed to give it a try.

1 bin for each and a misc bin for any boy

I was amazed at all that she had saved and could not wait to get started. I was very careful about not getting them mixed up, I started with Roger. 


Sewing blocks

Picking blocks

It was time consuming, each block had to have interfacing.  I did not want to screw it up. I wanted to enjoy the journey. I took my time and set Christmas as my deadline.

Each quilt had the same row width

I saw so many pieces of outfits and t-shirts I’ve seen in pictures thru the years. I was praying these turned out like I wanted them too.

I took some time off and worked on another project. Time is slipping and I needed to get back at them.

It was October and I needed to concentrate. I finally got the tops done. I’m really liking where this was headed. 

Owen 52 blocks

Roger 55 blocks

Luke 48 blocks
I decided on fleece for the back. It’s warmer sturdy and washable without shrinking.
Now the fun part. Ok, I love everything about quilting, but this is the place where I can share this with my Mom. She paid for this longarm machine. I know she would be so proud of me for doing this.



I did manage to finish for Christmas. Why so many pictures? These are not all of them. I had Mike take these photos to make a book for Bryan, Mary and the boys to see my “Making of the Quilts”. I really wanted to share the journey with them. 
I sent the quilts home with them Christmas Eve. I wanted them to open them as a family. 
Bryan FaceTimed me and I got to see them open them. It was exactly what I hoped for. Boys were excited. Mary was excited and Bryan thanked me again and again. 
A big thank you to Mary for saving these memories and trusting me with them to put it all together.

Christmas 2024

 We did not have a white Christmas again this year. We did have breakfast with the Dupplers as usual, but it was the four of us.

Christmas Eve was at our house again. Everyone came except for Todd (hope he’s doing better soon).

Mike had bought a game for us to enjoy - Uzzle. We all took a turn. Roger and Logan seemed to catch on pretty quick. Winners… I did much better when we each had our own card instead of trying to match the same picture. It was fun.

My dinner of lasagna, Mac n cheese, garlic sticks and salads must of been good most was gone. Or they were all hungry. Our traditional grandkids photo was taken.


Christmas Eve has always been at my house. I love that the family realizes how much it means to me and makes an effort to be here with us. I know some day it won’t be this way. I stopped a few times and looked at the family all together, laughing, talking, playing and filled my heart with the sights and sounds of love.

We spent a quite and delicious ham dinner with Sharen and Dup Christmas Day.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


 It was time to replace our back deck. It needed repairs. It also was cover for an infestation of chipmunks. Yes, a lot of chipmunks. Last year a friend told me an easy way to get rid of them. 2023 I removed (ok they died) 24 chipmunks. Their kin folk moved in and this last summer 27 were removed. I was done playing around. The deck had to go. 

Removed my beautiful hosta first

Mike found a concrete company that would rip off the old and give us a new cement patio. He was a local, born and raised in Elgin who started out working for his father and Uncle. He could start in 2 weeks. 

In the mean time we looked into getting a screen porch. Way too expensive so we got an awning instead. No more sticks, acorns and leaves falling on us.

Time to rip up this deck. The top deck was reinforced for our hot tub so it was stubborn, but these guys worked Hard!

Hauled it all away too

We were really looking forward to walking out the garage back door to a flat surface. Cement was poured 3 days later.

I got a curved outside edge with a pattern border. It turned out so good, just what I wanted. 

I asked them to leave some of the dirt they dug up to level the ground around the patio. I wanted to fill the corner with some hosta plants. 

pile didn’t look THAT big

Mike and I spent 3 weeks off and on taking rocks out of the dirt, spreading the dirt along the side of the house where their equipment tore up the lawn and filling in round the patio where I wanted the plants. We would not give up.

18 hosta

Sorting the rocks out

I can’t wait till spring - fingers crossed they all come back.

One last job. Repair the house where the deck was attached. Mike wasn’t to confident he could do it, but I had no doubt.

Replaced the siding

Power washed it
We both got to painting and it looks new. Oh wait, it is new!
I’m looking forward to next summer with no chipmunks and drinking cocktails on the new patio under the new awning. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Owen is 10

 So our baby grandson turned double digit. Owen loves to cook. He is always in the kitchen helping Mom. This summer he took a cooking class and his love for cooking grew.

His birthday wish was to spend a day in the kitchen with Grandma. I was all in!

He loves my homemade Mac n cheese so that was certainly on the menu. I suggested a birthday cake so he could make my Mom’s buttercream frosting (which he eats from the bowl) and play around with my decorating supplies.

First thing was to get him looking like a chef.

Apron and chefs hat

I told him my most important step in baking. Baking is measured - so first read the recipe and get out all the ingredients. Whenever you are done with using the ingredient, put it away. You never know when you will get interrupted and lose your thought about using each ingredient. That’s what he did. We used a cake mix, chocolate of course and added extra chips.

Next came the frosting. I told him he could taste as much as he thought he needed too. He is the cook, just had to use a different spoon each time. He was all in.
Cook approved
While the cake was baking - he tackled the Mac n cheese. He made it from scratch starting with the roux. He hesitated, but with some encouragement from Grandma he pushed through. I told him everybody has to do it a first time. Next time it will be easier. Now cooking you have a recipe, but you can embellish to taste. He really liked that idea.
Taste testing the Mac


Now time to decorate that cake. He colored some frosting orange for some pumpkins.
Filling the piping bag

Piping the pumpkins

This was so much fun. He really did all of it himself. I just stood by for questions. 
I asked him what he is gonna remember most. 
1. Looking into the measuring cup for the 1C. Line 
2. When done piping push the bag down on the cake instead of lifting up. 
3. (My Favorite) Grandma like to sing while she cooks and spending time with just her was the best birthday gift.

Not his favorite part was the clean up. He didn’t hesitate to get the dishes done. I did send this photo to Mary and Bryan - neither one could believe he volunteered to clean up.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Grandparents Day

 I always look forward to this day each year. Mike and I get invited to Mary Seay of Wisdom school so as Owen says so they can “show us off”.

This year Grandma Murphey was in Italy, Mike had to stay home, because they were pouring our new patio (post to follow) and Grandma and Grandpa Flory left early.

All to Myself
This  picture made to the schools Facebook page and is the cover picture for the days posted pictures. Pretty special.
I visited Roegr first and saw his Mable run.
Pretty impressive thing

On the way to Luke’s room Roger took me to the library- he loves to read and he says he’s really gonna miss it. I laughed a little and told him his library next year in HS will be 10 times larger.We found Luke in his classroom where I got to meet his teacher.

On to Owen’s class where he was there to meet us and show me around his classroom and meet some of his friends.
He’s a hugger

We then headed down to the church where they say a special mass for the grandparents. It was strongly suggested to me, by all 3 boys, that I sit between Owen and Luke. It also helped that Roger’s religion teacher join us in the pew. It’s a very emotional mass for me. I get choked up every time when the kids stand and pray over their grandparents. It was a very good day, just me and me 3 grand babies. 

Friday, November 1, 2024

Tackle Football

 My Grandson Luke is a huge football fan. His dream has always been to play tackle football.

Even as a toddler he loved football

Problem was Luke was born with a life changing bladder issue. He had his first surgery when he was days old. His first few weeks he had a catheter. Bryan and Mary took him to several specialist even traveling to Michigan searching for help. Mary grew exhausted, searched the internet and making phone calls. Help was found at Comers Children Hospital. Relief! Luke was getting superior help. 
He was put on medicine to help, and visited the hospital every 6 months to have his bladder checked.
He potty trained just like most, but he had to learn to empty his bladder often. Mary got him a watch to wear that buzzed him every 2 hours to remind him to potty. Bryan and Mary took turns waking him up every night to relieve himself (for 9 years - every night) Luke had occasional accident so I lined his underwear with plastic diaper material. He called it his “Magic Underwear”. Just a normal kid with a bladder condition. Luke took it all in stride. When Luke was 9 he had a  Mitrofanoff  procedure. A very very difficult decision for Bryan and Mary to make.

Major surgery that has changed his life. 
Luke got the go ahead to play tackle football this year. I choke up every time I see him in uniform. Ok maybe every time I think of him playing. 
Put me in coach

I dare you to come my way


Luke had a great season. He loved playing and tackle somebody. It was really great to watch him.
His Mom and Dad

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Amish Country

I have been fascinate with the Amish for a very long time. Maybe it started when I took up quilting. Not sure but I found some Amish books at the library and my interest grew.  I’ve probably read 100 books about the Amish life. 

I’ve always been curious to see it in person. Most of the books I’ve read were about the Pennsylvania Amish, but the Indiana Amish were closer. I did some research and suggested to Mike a trip to check it out. He was up for a visit.

I suggested we try out a car audio tour called the “Heritage Trail”. According to the internet (and I believe everything I read on the internet) it’s easy, it’s interesting, and it’s free. 

We got off the highway at Elkhart and stopped at the visitors center and got all the info we needed (and then some) , plus the USB for the tour.. 😃

Pamphlet from all the towns

It was so good. We spent the first afternoon taking the east side of the loop. Took us about 3.5 hours going thru and learning history of the territory and seeing some Amish farms. They have stops along the way for special sightseeing interests. We passed thru Shipshewana a town that my neighbor said we had to visit, especially the flea market there. His company sells his glue to all the Amish woodworkers and knows the area well.

We did get to see the quilt garden where all the flower beds are quilt blocks. 

I wish we had the room to plant me one

We saw Amish on bikes and came upon many buggies. The tour emphasized the caution of the buggies. 

Not supposed to take their picture

As we got out of the towns and on to rural roads we saw more Amish farms - they are all white with usually an extension on the house or another smaller house close by. For the grandparents.
There was horse manure in the roads and the roads were pretty ruff and noisy from the damage from horses hooves.
Day 2 we were off to the flea market. It has 700 vendors over 40 acres. We had our walking shoes on. I wanted to see it all. It was a little disappointing - so much commercial stuff.

So much to see

I did find me a quilt bag and some quilt block coasters. 
Buggy parking
It amazed me how the horse (all were beautiful) just stood there waiting for their owners. That was everywhere we went.
Couldn’t pass the quilts shops. They were not hard to find.
One had a manure station where people could shovel manure to take home for their gardens. No it didn’t smell. People were there taking some shit.

We stopped at an Amish cafe for lunch which had really good food. We sat next to Amish women who were there enjoying lunch. They were speaking Dutch. Interesting to me. 
Made a quick stop at the Yoder  Popcorn shop - I knew that Amish treasure 2 things Coffee and home grown popcorn. We bought both there.
We then started on the second half of the Heritage tour. It took about 3 hours. You can do the tour in one big loop, but Mike and I were staying in Goshen which was pretty much half way in between the towns. Doing it in two days we weren’t sitting all day in the car. I enjoyed this half more, maybe because we were deeper into Amish life and/or maybe because I wasn’t driving. I loved every minute. 
Mike and I both enjoyed this getaway. After spending most of the summer waiting for doctor appointments or waiting for test results we needed this trip and we both had a really good time.