Sunday, September 29, 2024

Amish Country

I have been fascinate with the Amish for a very long time. Maybe it started when I took up quilting. Not sure but I found some Amish books at the library and my interest grew.  I’ve probably read 100 books about the Amish life. 

I’ve always been curious to see it in person. Most of the books I’ve read were about the Pennsylvania Amish, but the Indiana Amish were closer. I did some research and suggested to Mike a trip to check it out. He was up for a visit.

I suggested we try out a car audio tour called the “Heritage Trail”. According to the internet (and I believe everything I read on the internet) it’s easy, it’s interesting, and it’s free. 

We got off the highway at Elkhart and stopped at the visitors center and got all the info we needed (and then some) , plus the USB for the tour.. 😃

Pamphlet from all the towns

It was so good. We spent the first afternoon taking the east side of the loop. Took us about 3.5 hours going thru and learning history of the territory and seeing some Amish farms. They have stops along the way for special sightseeing interests. We passed thru Shipshewana a town that my neighbor said we had to visit, especially the flea market there. His company sells his glue to all the Amish woodworkers and knows the area well.

We did get to see the quilt garden where all the flower beds are quilt blocks. 

I wish we had the room to plant me one

We saw Amish on bikes and came upon many buggies. The tour emphasized the caution of the buggies. 

Not supposed to take their picture

As we got out of the towns and on to rural roads we saw more Amish farms - they are all white with usually an extension on the house or another smaller house close by. For the grandparents.
There was horse manure in the roads and the roads were pretty ruff and noisy from the damage from horses hooves.
Day 2 we were off to the flea market. It has 700 vendors over 40 acres. We had our walking shoes on. I wanted to see it all. It was a little disappointing - so much commercial stuff.

So much to see

I did find me a quilt bag and some quilt block coasters. 
Buggy parking
It amazed me how the horse (all were beautiful) just stood there waiting for their owners. That was everywhere we went.
Couldn’t pass the quilts shops. They were not hard to find.
One had a manure station where people could shovel manure to take home for their gardens. No it didn’t smell. People were there taking some shit.

We stopped at an Amish cafe for lunch which had really good food. We sat next to Amish women who were there enjoying lunch. They were speaking Dutch. Interesting to me. 
Made a quick stop at the Yoder  Popcorn shop - I knew that Amish treasure 2 things Coffee and home grown popcorn. We bought both there.
We then started on the second half of the Heritage tour. It took about 3 hours. You can do the tour in one big loop, but Mike and I were staying in Goshen which was pretty much half way in between the towns. Doing it in two days we weren’t sitting all day in the car. I enjoyed this half more, maybe because we were deeper into Amish life and/or maybe because I wasn’t driving. I loved every minute. 
Mike and I both enjoyed this getaway. After spending most of the summer waiting for doctor appointments or waiting for test results we needed this trip and we both had a really good time.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Roger and Golf

 Roger thought he might like to try playing golf. He tried it at Top Golf last summer and was pretty good at it. For Christmas we got him some golf lessons with a park district down the street from them. 

He got Logan’s hand me down golf clubs, but he was put into a beginners class with the little kids who were really beginners. So Mike and I took him back to the driving range and helped him out a little bit. We both thought he was ready to try it out at a course. What better way to celebrate his 13th birthday.

We took him to the DesPlaines Golf Center. It’s a par 3, 9 hole starter course with short (actually too short, but we didn’t know) holes. I think the longest hole of the nine was 139 yards. It’s a very cool place that has lights for night golf. We had to walk the nine holes, so Mike got us all push carts. I can’t remember the last time I walked playing golf. Ugh!

Walking and pushing

Tee Off
The course was really hilly. Had some sand traps, where Roger was better than Grandma getting out of. We had a really good time. It was very hot and I was melting by the time we were finished. 
Long up the putts.
Just like any beginner Roger had a time with his putting, but he’s learning. We all decided our next time he needs to get on a course that he can use his driver. He really does hit that pretty good.
We enjoyed lunch after the round. This place has really good food too. 
It was fun introducing another Grandson to the game we both love playing, and I’m so happy you can play this crazy game even if you’re over 70. 
Happy 13th Birthday Roger.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Birthday Boys

 We had a birthday party at the house for Roger, who turned 13. Yes, he’s a teenager. Bryan who turned 47. Hard to believe that my baby is 47. 

Yard sign

It was a hot day out and I thought balloons wouldn’t last long and found this happy birthday yard sign so I bought it. Both birthday boys liked it.

Roger with papa and grandma

Bryan and Mom
Roger is getting so tall and reminds me so much of Bryan at that age. 
I got lazy with the cake - Didn’t bake one.  I thought it would be fun to put their picture on the cake, so I got one from Sam’s. According to my twin - Sams has the best cake. I don’t eat cake, but I did take a small piece of this one. It was good. 
One candle each

I took this picture at one of Owens basketball games. I love Roger in this photo so much it shows up when ever he calls me. 

We all had a good time. Some days just seem so short…..

Saturday, July 27, 2024

GK Golf Outing

 Mike, Logan, Dylan and I golfed in the Genoa Kingston Gold Outing. This was our 3 year. Genoa does not charge athletes to pay to play - all sports are free. 

So This is not only our way to support the football program that both boys played in and Mike and I spent many Friday nights cheering them on - we got to spend the day with the grandsons doing something we all love to do. Ply golf together.

With Logan and Dylan playing more golf getting so much better we scored our best score yet. 5 under. We started on a par 3 and got a boggie. Nobody was happy. I told them get us there and I will get us home. (in my bragging voice). They believed me and we started to start putting for eagles and birdies. After watching them tee off I knew there was no way I could beat their drives so I passed on the drives and concentrated on my chipping and putting. 

It was fun watching the young ones getting better and better with each downed cocktail. So many memories of our Thursdays with the Dupplers. 

Comparing which club to use

Let’s let Papa go first 

My golfing team

The weather was perfect and we had such great fun. I know there is gonna come a time when this ole body of mine is gonna say enough. But my heart will always be with these grandsons and the memories we are making out on the golf course.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Hot Days Projects

 It’s been hot so far this summer. Sharen and I are still walking in the mornings, but when I want to get out and spend some time in my gardens - It’s Too Hot!!

So I decided to find some projects to do indoors.

The small half bath in our master bathroom was the first place I thought could use an update. And it’s a tiny space to get something done quickly.

I visited the local Sherman-Williams store and found a couple wallpaper patterns I liked. I usually ask Mike what he thinks, but mostly he agrees with me. 

Me: “ I want to wallpaper a wall in the small bathroom.”

Mike: “ ok, just as longs as it’s not too grandma-ish”

Opps, the paper I chosen was old fashion, I am a Grandma! He looked thru the book and found one he liked. After my surprise I liked it too and ordered it.


I painted the white shabby looking vanity recently. Added some new hardware also.
Vanity update found a rug to match too

Bathroom looks good.

Still too hot to do anything outdoors so I go looking for another project. One trip to the basement and I knew the stairway need painting badly. I very rarely go downstairs. Never noticed the 70’s paneling. 

Found some leftover paint from the kitchen so I found my next project. Mike took the doors down on the closet and the TV room. I thought they could stay wood. 

Stairs before

 Pantry Before
This paneling looked so awful. I can’t believe we have lived here 20 years and I haven’t noticed.
Stairs after

Pantry after

Now all I can see is how much the stairs need a do over. Tomorrow I vow to get back in my hostas and remove some weeds.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

New Grill

 Mike’s grill was 7 years old and he’s been replacing parts and making it work. We - I mean Mike - grill a bunch. I prepare the food and he grills it. He’s really good at it! 

I told him he was getting a new grill for Father’s Day. He found one at Sam’s he liked a lot. Every morning I would check the Sam’s website to see if it’s on sale. Doesn’t Everything goes on sale before Fathers Day. It showed up $100 off, but not at our Sam’s club. I finally said let’s just go get it. Still no sale sign. We get to the register and the price she gave me was the sale price. I kept my mouth shut, paid for it and wanted to run to the car yelling “start the car!” Just like in the commercial. 

Wasting no time assembling it

Our first dinner Saturday night was courtesy of Stacy who bought us kabobs from Reams. They are soooo good. Sunday we went into the city to watch Luke play baseball. We may not have gotten any cecada at our house, but man of man Park Ridge is covered and flying around. It’s funny to watch people grownups and kiddos scream and run around. Then you have the kids (Luke) chase them down and try to catch them. They don’t bother me, one even got tangled in my hair. 

A stop for ice cream after the game and Mike’s Fathers Day was complete. 

The family

I did get Mike these heat gloves - he was ruining my pot holders. 

He’s getting really good at grilling my fruit and vegetables. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Owen Tree

 Last May for Mary’s birthday Owen wanted to pick some of my flowers around the house. He made a beautiful bouquet of my peonies. As he was picking he found a tiny tree growing between the plants. It was just a stick with a tiny bud on the top. 

Sweet Owen wanted to rescue the tree. He helped me dig it up and I let him pick a spot where he wanted to replant it. He chose a place in the back yard ‘out in the open where it could get sunshine and grow big”

I had a hard time mowing around it - even ran over it, but that tree was not going to give up. It grew, just like Owen said.

Owen tree this spring 

We’re both pretty proud of this little thing. 

I wasn’t sure if the cecada were going to show up in our yard (they did last time), so I promised Owen I would protect it.

All wrapped up

We haven’t gotten any bugs yet, but they can find something else to feed on if they do come.

The Owen tree is safe.