Sunday, February 23, 2025


Roger was confirmed.

Roger was chosen to be one of the 2 readers for the ceremony so he walked into the sanctuary first. It also meant we got reserved seats in the front row, so I got some good pictures. 

I was so proud of him - he stood up straight, looked up from his reading (though I missed that part) and spoke loud and clear. Really great job.

His cousin Gerald was his sponsor. 

It was such a great day. Everyone was invited to the gym for pictures with the bishop. Mike and I opted out of those pictures, but we did get one with the star of the show, and I took one of him and the proud family. I did ask Bryan if he realized that he and Luke and Owen had matching shirts. Well, not until I pointed it out. Ha! 

Proud family 

Very proud grandparents

I wish someone would have told me my knit top was bunched up. Am I the only one that sees it?

We all gathered back at the Flory house for food. I made my first charcuterie board. It turned out pretty good, but you’ll have to take my word for it - forgot to take a picture - Sorry

Roger has turned into quite the handsome, kind, polite, thoughtful young man.

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