6:15 am - Wake up singing - YES! I am a morning person. Stuff the two turkeys with the stuffing made last night. The 22 pounder goes in the electric roasting oven the 18 pounder goes in the frig for later.
7:30 am - Snow on the ground -Bryan wakes up coughing and getting ready to go play football, but really doesn't want to. It's nice to have him back home for the weekend.
8:00 am - Pop the turkey in the oven. Peel the potatoes and YES - still singing.
9:15 am - Sit to read my morning papers. Love those inserts! Realize that the proper time can not be spent on reading and put them away for later.
9:30 am - Jump in the shower. Singing all the way!!!
9:50 am - Peel 10lbs of potatoes and throw my Nebraska corn together.
10:00 am - Plug in the heaters in the garage to warm up the place. We set all the tables out there yesterday. I made center pieces from branches from my oriental crab apple tree. Things are looking good...
11:00 am - Mom, Linda and Deanna arrive. Mom wants to see the turkey. Realize the oven is NOT hot. Broken!!!!! All I can think of is - Yes - new stainless steel stove.
Took the corn cassarole to Sharen's down the street and Mike threw the turkey on the grill. Save the day!!!
1:00 pm - Food is being put on the serving table. What are we going to do with all that food? (Ran out of three vege dishes before I could get my plate filled - Note to Michelle - This family loves to eat - double the recipe next year)

1:25 pm - Food is served and all the family is gathered together.
OK - this took me back a step. I was in the kitchen with tears in my eyes. Mike asked me if I was OK. Stop and Listen! Our family is laughing, happy and talking over each other or teasing with each other.
IT DOES NOT GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT!2:30 pm - Mike is doing the dishes - Sharen and Vicki are drying and me putting them back in their proper places.

Kids are watching Ratatouille in the bedroom
The day is going great.
6:15 pm -After 9 years I finally win a Euchre tourney.
I was partnered with my brother-in-law Bill. We even went through Andy and Bryan (who have each won this thing 3 times and were partners) My life is good!After everyone left around 7:00 pm. Bryan and Brian both commented on how "It was a great day." My heart felt good.