Stacy graduated from Northern Illinois University Sunday. She took the rough road to get there, but you know what that doesn't matter anymore, cause she is there. She IS a Special Education Teacher. She is the person who is going to give these kids that extra TLC and help them turn their lives around.
Stacy would call me on her way home from school and talk about how thing were going for her. When she started student teaching the talks were always about her students - that's when I knew that she is going to make a great teacher. I'm gonna miss her "fill me in" and her "gotta vent" phone calls.
I know she will find a job real soon, not because Special Ed. teachers are hard to find, but because she is one of the GOOD ones and any school would be lucky to have her.
Please pass along my congrats to Stacy - what a great accomplishment!
Congratulations to Stacy! My mom is a special ed teacher. They are definitely in demand!!
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