Jon moved into his new condo this weekend. Bryan signs the papers on his new condo today. Our litle boys are putting down roots.
Sharen seems to be having a harder time with this than me. It's really the first time that Jon is gone for GOOD. He went away to college but his stuff was still there and he came back. The first sign that it hit Sharen was his toothbrush and eye care are gone from the bathroom.
I told her I saved a ton of money when Bryan moved out on toothpaste alone, I really thought he was eating it. She says for her it will be soap, seems Jon's big thing is staying in the shower till the soap is gone.
Good Luck to them both - It make a mother proud (and older)......
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Birthday Boy
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Safety in Numbers
So it's Saturday night 5:30ish and Mike decides to go see the new movie "Vantage Point" so I think it's a great time to get into the hot tub with George.
I'm filling my hot tub glass (has a rubber bottom) with water and look out our kitchen window to see three deer in the back yard.
They'll probably run away when I open the door so I hesitate to go out. I open the door and they don't move! Awesome!
I'm sitting looking at them looking at me when all of a sudden five more come around the house. Okay - why aren't they scared of me? Is there safety in numbers? Or should I be scared of them?
I swear they are 5 feet from me chewing on my dead flowers. I wish I had my camera!!!
I'm filling my hot tub glass (has a rubber bottom) with water and look out our kitchen window to see three deer in the back yard.
They'll probably run away when I open the door so I hesitate to go out. I open the door and they don't move! Awesome!
I'm sitting looking at them looking at me when all of a sudden five more come around the house. Okay - why aren't they scared of me? Is there safety in numbers? Or should I be scared of them?
I swear they are 5 feet from me chewing on my dead flowers. I wish I had my camera!!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday Night Bowling

This is my bowling team! They are the reason I get my butt moving on Thursday nights!
We travel to state tournaments together and have the best time with each other.
Cheryl - We are in our ninth year together. She is married to my nephew Craig. I asked her to bowl with me one summer night when the men were playing softball and we been together ever since. She is the only leftie on the team. She won the State tournament in 2002 and she has a bowling term named after her. A Reuter! Get a strike after throwing a gutter in the same frame. A spare the hard way. (throw it on a strike and get a true Reuter!)
Michelle - She's the tall blond. She was in our league for 8 years but only on our team for the last 7. She is the one I travel the US with bowling in tournaments together. (Milwaukee, Wichita, Reno, Charlotte, and heading to Detroit in May). She's our best bowler with an average of only 185 this year (193 last yr) and I would put her up against anybody in the clutch.
Deanna - She was a friend of Michelle's and now she's our friend too. She has been with us for the last 5 years. She keeps us loose and laughing with her lisp impersonations. She is the best at bowling through her legs. She got repremanded at a tournament for doing it. She has also fallen on her face because her shoes were wet.
A few year ago I made some shoe-ese (for those of you who don't know - these are covers for your bowling shoes so the bottoms don't get wet). I found this material a couple of year ago when Sharen and I were at a quilt show together and decided that we need new shoe covers.
Aren't they cute!!

Another reason I love this team is we can drink or not drink together.
We do some crazy thing when we get together. What happens there stays there. I can honestly say that Cheryl "hasn't done anything her Aunt Karen didn't do".
How old are you when you stop "drunk dialing"? As you know I got a cell phone this year. It seems Cheryl likes to use MY phone to drunk dial people. Bryan is her person of choice. (We know who mine is - don't we Andy) any way Cheryl decides to use everyone's phone last night to call her favorite.
Here I am trying to explain!

Monday, February 18, 2008
Winter Remedy
I'm usually a prime sample for SAD (seasonal affective disorder).
I don't like to be cold! I can take the snow when the sun is shining. Spring ususally can't get here soon enough. But for some reason this winter - I couldn't figure out - it doesn't bother me so much.
Then the old light bulb went off and I figured out what I was doing this year diffferent than any other year. Mike gave me minutes to a tanning bed for Christmas. For 15 minutes a week I put the old headset on and lay in the tanning bed and pretend that I'm on a beach somewhere. I'm sweating and it's bright.

OH YEAH! a margarita in the hottub while it's snowing doesn't hurt either.
I don't like to be cold! I can take the snow when the sun is shining. Spring ususally can't get here soon enough. But for some reason this winter - I couldn't figure out - it doesn't bother me so much.
Then the old light bulb went off and I figured out what I was doing this year diffferent than any other year. Mike gave me minutes to a tanning bed for Christmas. For 15 minutes a week I put the old headset on and lay in the tanning bed and pretend that I'm on a beach somewhere. I'm sweating and it's bright.

OH YEAH! a margarita in the hottub while it's snowing doesn't hurt either.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!

Love goes out to all of you that actually read this blog! Especially Michael.
Mike and I are celebrating our 22nd anniversary today.
We are taking a train trip at the end of this month. Never traveled by train before. Mike put together a care package for me and suprised me with it this morning. A neck pillow, lotion, a arm holder for my i-pod, binolcuars, and the new James Patterson book to read (of course we will share the last two items). What a sweetie - Can't wait!!!
What a better place to spend our anniversary tonight than at Bowlway bowling. The place where he proposed to me.....
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Get a Job!
Congratulations to the 2 men in my life on the anniversary of their jobs.
February 12 - both started on the same day years apart.
Bryan has been at his job for 1 year and Mike for 29 years today.
February 12 - both started on the same day years apart.
Bryan has been at his job for 1 year and Mike for 29 years today.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
My snow's bigger than your snow!
Most young people think that we have had a lot of snow this year. Well it's nothing like the winter of 79' when we had like 7 feet of snow in two days.
Everyone that was a grown-up during the blizzard of 78-79 has a story to tell.
Me too! Here is mine.
I was a stay at home Mom during that time. The snow had finally stopped falling so I decided to go out and try to shovel a path down the sidewalk. I don't know what I was thinking - Like the mailman was out delivering mail or something. Anyway I bundled up Bryan (he was 1 1/2 yrs old at the time) and proceed to clean the sidewalk. There was NO way I could of cleared the driveway the drift was at the roof line. I took my eye off Bryan for a second and yup! the little bugger had climbed to the roof of the garage. Here he was standing on top of the garage. After I realized that he was safe I had a good laugh. He climbed down by himself too.
Why I didn't think to take of picture of that I will never figure out, but I did get one of him after the path down the walk was completed.
Everyone that was a grown-up during the blizzard of 78-79 has a story to tell.
Me too! Here is mine.
I was a stay at home Mom during that time. The snow had finally stopped falling so I decided to go out and try to shovel a path down the sidewalk. I don't know what I was thinking - Like the mailman was out delivering mail or something. Anyway I bundled up Bryan (he was 1 1/2 yrs old at the time) and proceed to clean the sidewalk. There was NO way I could of cleared the driveway the drift was at the roof line. I took my eye off Bryan for a second and yup! the little bugger had climbed to the roof of the garage. Here he was standing on top of the garage. After I realized that he was safe I had a good laugh. He climbed down by himself too.
Why I didn't think to take of picture of that I will never figure out, but I did get one of him after the path down the walk was completed.

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Survivor Snow
Well the new Survivor starts tonight, fans vs favorites - of course, they don't ask the diehards like me who watches this show who they want to see back. We get to see them in Micronesia (who knows where this is without looking at a map) where it's warm with sunny beaches. How about they try one in the north where they have to survive all this snow! Now that would be interesting, but that won't stop me from watching. Yes, the DVR will be taping!!!!!
I'm pulling for the Beer B**ch from Illinois that drives the beverage cart on a golf course.
I'm pulling for the Beer B**ch from Illinois that drives the beverage cart on a golf course.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Oh Deer!
Mike and I don't have any domestic pets. We have wildlife.
I haven't seen our 4 legged friends in awhile. I been worried about them in the cold and snow that we have had lately. Well NO worry.
I was playing with my new photoshop on my computer and saw something out of the corner of my eye out the window. There back!!! And eating on my Japanese Maple tree - Not good.

Think he can bring my cans back to the house?
I haven't seen our 4 legged friends in awhile. I been worried about them in the cold and snow that we have had lately. Well NO worry.
I was playing with my new photoshop on my computer and saw something out of the corner of my eye out the window. There back!!! And eating on my Japanese Maple tree - Not good.

Think he can bring my cans back to the house?
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