Everyone that was a grown-up during the blizzard of 78-79 has a story to tell.
Me too! Here is mine.
I was a stay at home Mom during that time. The snow had finally stopped falling so I decided to go out and try to shovel a path down the sidewalk. I don't know what I was thinking - Like the mailman was out delivering mail or something. Anyway I bundled up Bryan (he was 1 1/2 yrs old at the time) and proceed to clean the sidewalk. There was NO way I could of cleared the driveway the drift was at the roof line. I took my eye off Bryan for a second and yup! the little bugger had climbed to the roof of the garage. Here he was standing on top of the garage. After I realized that he was safe I had a good laugh. He climbed down by himself too.
Why I didn't think to take of picture of that I will never figure out, but I did get one of him after the path down the walk was completed.

1 comment:
I too remember the blizzard of '79. Dad and I had to shovel the flat roof we had in South Elgin. When we were done, we just took a step off the roof and landed in a snow bank. I hate snow.
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