Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Biggest Loser

This person was the biggest person there. He never fell below the yellow line. He had the most to lose. He handled himself with integrity and worked his butt off. He deserve to stay in this game. He deserves a chance to win it all. Roger has to stay!!
That's why I voted for........ (pause for drama) MARK!!!!

I watch realty TV. LOVE it!!! So when I got the chance to vote for someone to be voted off last night on the Biggest Loser I went right to my computer and voted for Mark. (aka Crybaby)
I really want Ali to win and Kellie can lose 50 more pounds and still look big to me and Roger had proven to be the best at this game so far...."In order to be the Best You have to Beat the Best" and that is Roger.


Mich said...

oh, thanks for reminding me to vote.....for Roger!

Unknown said...

go Roger! Mark has already been voted off once. He does not deserve to win! I hate Ali.

c_reuter said...

I think the saying your are looking for goes like this: "To be the man you have to beat the man."