The same pervert was at the gate. He told me my blue Dockers looked too much like denim. I got out of the car and showed him the label on my ass. You idiot! On their third hole a girl comes to watch in a tank top with a short jean skirt on. WTF!!!

Jon started on 10 again. Good omen - just like on Monday.
The weather was perfect and I was looking forward to some good golf. Jon's second shot on #10 (par 5) hit the top of the bunker in front of the green and fell in, not a good sign. I firmly believe that you play to the potential of the people you are playing against or with. Jon got paired with a dufus. At one point this idiot carried ALL of his irons across the green - ALL OF THEM??? He was the only one in the group riding, good thing too, cause this man was SLOW!
Jon mentioned to the official at the turn that this guy took way to long and was afraid that they were getting behind.

Jon did have this great shot though. He went from here to here!
After it was all over Jon scored an 80. He took me to lunch and confessed that that was his worst 2 rounds all summer. I know he has been working out and practicing really hard for tournaments. I was glad to see him make the cut and make some money. The difference in the payout drops off dramatically after the top 15 so if Jon had buckled down till his head hurt he would of only made $60 more, instead he chose to relax and enjoy the ride. I loved his Tin Cup moment on #9.