29 years ago this week. This Happened.
I made headlines in both papers. The Courier and the FreePress.
You have to click on the article and read all about how dominating I really was. Scary!
There are also some familar names later in the article.

I'll never forget how that night started - Wright Avenue fields, diamond 3. Lester didn't want to pitch me cause it was an easy team and he wanted to start the second stringer. I talked him into it, because Bryan was there(he was 2and Grandma watched him).
After the game we headed to our regular bar "Sports Pub" and I can honestly say I do not remember how the night ended. I know I was drinking from a pitcher. (being the winning pitcher and all) and I remember the other team and even the umpire buying me beer. Buy the pitcher of course. Sharen and I did our routine to "Put me in coach" up on stage. I know this because there is a picture out there somewhere. We went on that year to win it all. 16-0.
What a great article! Your were (and still are!) a rock star!
The first article also mentions the West Side TV powerhouse. Including Uncle Lester, Dup, Huske, and Ted Applehoff. That was a good team as well. You forgot to mention them.
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