You know that commercial with the guys reflection turning them into kids. Well that is what Jack & Mike did. The fun that was on their faces was contagious.

They started out racing down the big slide in true brother fashion trying to beat each other - as you can see Mike won. Then Kathy bought tickets for the highest & scariest ride and dared them to go on it. It had to be 200 ft in the air and you rolled around. Of course they couldn't back down.
Me I was in search of a homemade tamale. They were NO WHERE to be found. I vowed to find one before my vacation was over.
On Monday we headed on down to Green Valley, south of Tuscon to visit with Mike's old co-worker and his wife.
Bobby has been dragged down by the dessert virus, valley fever, but we did manage to visit the Titan Missile, a cooper mine, and drove over to Tombstone to sight see and have lunch (NO Tamales). I'm sure Bobby needed rest after our 3 day visit.

On to the reason for our trip to AZ. Mike's softball tourney.

After spending the afternoon of Thurs. by the pool Friday morning the guys are ready to play some softball. Turns out moving up in class from AA to AAA spoils the fun. The teams on Fri. were from New Mexico and California (all yr round teams) and one from Michigan that was place 1st in the bracket. Lost them all.
We still had hopes for Saturday. Nope - lost to teams from Washington and Idaho. Mike played really well batting .875 for the weekend, 1000 on Sat.
The guys still had a good time. I had fun too catching some rays watching. The bleachers were made outa cement built into hills around the fields. Cold at 7:00 AM and HOT at 4:00 PM.
Here is picture of the guys waiting in between innings sitting on the cement bleachers.

I realize that is one place that I could not live full time. It's no secret that I hate air conditioning. I would HAVE to use it down there. I did enjoy the sun and warmth, but I don't know if I would like dealing with it everyday. Everywhere people were in search of shade.
One thing I found odd was everyone talks distance down there in miles. How far is the airport? 16 miles. Where is your work? 5 miles. I have no idea how far I travel to work, I just know it takes 15 minutes and the airport from our house is 30 to 45 minutes away.
After the tourney on Sunday we head back to Kathy's and guess what she found. YES!!! a place that makes homemade tamales. I finally got my tamales.
I realized that having my sisters and mother so close is a blessing. Mike had to say goodbye to his sister and brother and doesn't know when he will get to see, visit, play or hug them again.
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