Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Red Car Day

At Therapy on Monday Bruce let me pick the music. Of course I choose George Strait. Well today he asks me if I want him to turn on Garth Brooks. I said George Strait - "What's the difference?" After I tried to explain the difference between George and Garth we settled on Foo Fighters. I know what your thinking, not my music.
I start every session with 10 minutes on the bike. The bike faces a window overlooking the tollway, so today to tune out the music I counted the red cars driving on the tollway. Traffic was heavy - Today was a red car day. A grand total of 63 red cars, trucks and 2 red buses.


Mich said...

Wow, you could have gotten pretty tipsy if you were taking a swig of beer for every red car!

Unknown said...

WHAT THE DIFFERENCE! ARGH! Two legends though.