First let me say Yikes...
Dylan got to spend the day with his Papa and Grandma yesterday and boy did we have fun.
OK the boys had more fun than me, but I was happy knowing that they were having fun.
First a trip to the Boy Scout store to get a kit for the pinewood derby. Papa agreed to help Dylan make his.
Papa took the time to read all the requirements before cutting.
While I visited my ART Doc for a treatment. (My other shoulder is freezing up - Thanks again to Andy for turning my onto this wonder) the boys went and saw Narnia - they both liked it.
Dinner was at Dylan's favorite restaurant - ours too! Applebees.
Here he is with his surprise birthday sundae. And he wasn't even embarrassed when the staff sang Happy Birthday to him.
Dylan has never been in the hot tub when it's been dark or cold. So he can cross that off his list of things to do, cause here he is with papa in the hottub at night and cold out.
We gave him his presents - and that boy put together a 73 piece Harry Potter lego set in 15 minutes. I just sat back and watched. Truly amazing! The second one (153 pieces) took a little longer but not much.I made him pancakes for breakfast this morning and Papa took him home.
I thought that our kids grew up fast, but with the grandkids they grow up soooo much faster.
Happy Birthday - Dylan!