Just reading it again brought back really fond memories of me and Bryan's great-gamba Mazie in the kitchen canning.
Bryan's Gamba Mazie was a spitfire. She stood about 4'8" in shoes, lived to be 99 (1 week short of 100) and took command of any kitchen. She also was an amazing quilter. (That has nothing to do with cooking, but she did turn me on to the art of quilting) Oh Yeah, and she Loved her "little boy Bryan".
So when I was breaking down my garden this weekend I saved all my green tomatoes to make this yummy relish again.
I couldn't find my old fashioned meat grinder (must of got tossed out when we moved here) so I called my Mom and asked if she still had hers. No, but she did have an electric grinder.
This thing is amazing and I got all the tomatoes, peppers, and onions done in no time. I am putting one of these on the top of my Christmas wish list.
Mazie was there with me whispering in my ear.
Never use those fancy new aluminum pots (she called everything a pot) and always, always use a wooden spoon.
Make sure your jars are nice and HOT.
I had to cut the recipe down by a 1/4, but I think Gamba would be proud.
Green Tomato Salsa
I did take out a few green tomatoes to make this salsa. It got 2 thumbs up from Bryan ans Mary.
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