Mike asked if I had plans for the day - He wanted to take me golfing.
My gosh, I haven't been golfing since last year with Reuter, Reuter, and Murphey.
If we could get off early I would go. I had big plans for the afternoon.
I had a 7 on the first hole and a 7 on 18, but I did get a par in between somewhere. The driving was good and the chipping needs help, just like the start of every year.
This afternoon I was the "middle reliever" baby sitter. Carrie had parent-teacher conference and Grandma Sharen couldn't get there until 4:30.
Matthew just wanted to push his wagon around.
And Bailey (after greeting me at the car for some lovin') just wanted to be left alone to lay in the grass.
Matthew is still having a hard time trying to figure this twin grandmas thing out. It didn't take him long though. He knew that the one that can recite brown bear without the book, and the one that can understand his gibberish is Grandma.
At the beginning I thought you were going to say you shot a 77!!!
Only in her dreams Andy!!
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