It was at Salt Creek Golf Course. It has only par 3's and 4's with lots of sand, trees and water holes. Fun course and the weather was perfect.
We had a really good time golfing with Deanna and her Dad. We teased him that he would be our dad for the day too.
Thank God it was a scramble cause I did not have my A game.
No, that's not me getting my ball from the sand/water trap. Is it? Sharen.
They had a silent auction with OMG prizes. I thought about the suites for the Cubs, Sox or Bears games, but decided no. I bid on a $300 camcorder, but I stopped bidding at $100. It went for $110.
They had a Blu-ray DVD player starting bid at $50. I talked Sharen into bidding on it even though she had already bought one for Dup for Father's Day. Her bid came through and she saved $80+ dollars on his present. Now all she has to do is take the other one back. Sweet! They also had one for a door prize and I told Sharen if she wins it I would split the cost and we both would have one. No such luck.
They had a ton of crazy door prizes and Barb (the MC) kept telling everyone to feel free to exchange gifts. When they called my ticket # and I drew number #13 (they call your raffle ticket number, you draw a number out of the bag, and you get the prize with that number on it, very simple and fast) I'm thinking Sox something. (Ozzie - 13?) No, I won a basket full of lavender soap and bath salts with a gift certificate to a spa in Elk Grove Village. Bummer!
A lady at the next table had a basket full of protein power drinks and power bars. She wasn't too thrilled with it, so we traded.
I came home with this. We now have enough protein power drink mix for awhile. I'm going to try and convince Mike to try some. I know he will enjoy them like I do now.
Side story:
We had a table of (girls who like girls) athletes sitting behind us. They had a few comments about me when I traded for the protein basket. I'm not sure if they knew that I could hear them, but my guess would be yes, they knew. So when one asked me if it was for my kids, I told her I needed them for after my chemo treatments (all with a straight face). I know it wasn't nice, but maybe they will learn not to make fun of people (at least where they can hear ya).
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