On the way in I was transferring some necessities into a smaller bag and realized I did not have my debit card.
Crap! I must have left it at Applebees on Thursday (we stopped there after golf). So I called there and was transferred to the manager. I asked about my card and he laughed and asked me if I was his "Blue Coconut Margarita". I chuckled and told him it was his fault.
When the waitress asked us if we were interested in their drink specials and said "Blue Coconut Margartia" I said Hell yes.
Turns out if you have 2 of those buggers you leave you card with them. :)
Anyway we took the el downtown hoping to see some of the Transformers movie sets. We walked around and all we saw was barricades. Turns out they were filming on Saturday not Friday. Oh well. I did stop to take a picture of the barricades but stopped my self.
We strolled around the town and stopped at the Blackhawk's store and Mike got his locker room hat. I got a red champion shirt.
We wonder down to Millennium park and watch the kids play in the water while we eat shaved ices. Pineapple for me and Cherry for Mike. Yummy! They came in these cool flower cups.
We meet up at Mary's place and walked around the corner. Bryan wanted to go to Glen's Diner, but everyone else was thinking that same thing so we stopped at Fountainhead and a good thing we did cause the food was really good. Sweet Potato chip to die for and a champagne draft beer called Original Sin that was AWESOME!
13 days till these two get hitched.
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