Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

I love reading Michelle's and Jessica's blogs when they reflect on most Thursdays on how thankful they are for the going's on in their lives.

Today, I stood in my kitchen and realized, just in one day, how much I am truly thankful for-

Summers in the Midwest
The opportunity to open my windows and let the air and sunshine in

For a Mother who taught me how to follow a recipe and be a baker
For good "hand me down" recipes to follow

For mixing bowls with handles
For my wooden rolling pin

For the library's free CD's to update my Ipod selection
Blasting my Ipod while I bake (oh Yeah, and sing along)

The great feeling I get when the breads and rolls come out looooooking good
And the way my kitchen smells after they come out of the oven

For a husband who stays out of my way
Then offers to clean up the mess when I'm done

For a beautiful daughter-in-law who makes my son very happy
And gives me a reason to bake!

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