Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sick Roger???

Roger has been under the weather. Bryan stayed home Wednesday and Mary took her turn on Thursday including a visit to the doctor.
I got to stay (or play) with Roger on Friday.
Bryan warned me to take him with me when I leave the living room cause he gets into things. I'm like whatever - Ha - He found the mail the mail man had put in the slot in the front door. I found him slapping the top to Mary's computer (she had it on the floor so he wouldn't pull it of the table - he likes the cords) . He headed numerous times over to the TV and all Bryan's game counsels. He took off for the dining room where Grandpa's tools were spotted.

Bryan was right his little Army crawl took him everywhere.
 I got the biggest laugh when Mary came home and she was showing me the new colors for the hallway and kitchen. She was holding Roger and Roger spots the light switch on the wall and starts moving his arms in circles like the army crawl thinking he could get to it. So Funny!

Here he is taking control of the remote.  That is an old one Bryan had, but don't tell Roger that. He thinks it's golden.

He sure does love his play center.

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