Sunday, November 11, 2012


My whole adult life I have had long hair. I have always thought it is my best asset.

**There was one time in my twenties when I volunteered to be a hair model at a salon show at the Blackstone in downtown Chicago and stupidly signed a waver to let them cut my hair however they wanted. I never dreamed that they would CUT IT ALL OFF. That doesn't count!

I also have been coloring it (all different shades) since my first gray hair appeared.

I thought I could go gray before I cut it short, but when?
When do I cut it off and when do I stop with the colors and go gray?
You have to admit you don't see many older ladies with long hair.

OK - I decided at 60 - That's when it is going to happen. I will have a hair cut that shows my ears and I will stop buying Preference by Loreal and just let it happen.

Well, 60 came and went. I did get a haircut, but it still looks the same only shorter and you can only see my ears if it's pulled back. I tired to let it go gray, but I looked like a skunk, with a white streak. Ugh!

When I was over at Linda's cleaning out Ma's closet I ran across her wigs. Why Ma had 2 wigs with her beautiful hair I do not know.
I took them thinking the kids could use them for costumes.

What the heck? If  I wanted to see what I looked like short and gray just put the damn wig on and take a picture.
Holy Batman folks - I don't think it will happen any time soon.....if EVER. I quickly went out and bought hair color darker than usual.

You have to agree. YIKES!!!


Unknown said...

Yikes! Hahaha what. a .picture!

c_reuter said...

Hi Grandma! Uh, I mean, Karen