Thursday, January 31, 2013


The rumor has it, that it takes 30 days for you to make a routine become a habit.

So that means those of us that made a resolution this year should be making this so called resolution a habit by now.

Turns out I am doing OK with it.

I like to get out of the house and just walk. Most of the time I call Sharen or she calls me and we take a quick stroll around the neighborhood or the circle (forest preserve). We are moving!

Lately we both have come up with some excuse or another and don't get our walks in.

So - I hope I am not jinxing myself by saying it out loud - I promised myself I would take it out of my hands and leave it up to Mother Nature.
Yup, I walk on everyday that the sun is shining.
Turns out the sun has been shinin' all but 4 days in January. Some days, like today, the sun didn't stay out for long and it was down right cold out, but I put on my big girl pants and took a walk.

So if you feel the need to wear your sun glasses know that I will be a walkin'.

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