Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Cookies 2014

This started out 5 years ago with just Sharen and I helping Mom, who was getting tired of baking Christmas cookies every year.

Mom is gone, but her cookies are still present. Sharen made 2 of Mom's favorites - Thumb print and Whiskey balls. Carrie represented her too with peanut butter brownies and 7 layer. Me - I tried to make her snicker doodles, not the first time either, but for some reason they were a big failure. Ok, that was hard for me to admit. I deiced to give everybody just cut outs this year. Stacy tried a new recipe. Chocolate peanut clusters, made in the crock pot. She filled 2 crock pots!! Yeah, you can imagine the amount of those we had. Erica contributed her double chocolate goodness and Mary brought a cashew cookie that I'm sure was made in heaven and not her kitchen.

Each year it gets crazier and crazier. We had 3 new faces this year. 2 little boys, Ben and Owen, who I am sure will be pulling up a chair next year to help decorate the cutouts. They are too young this year. Papa Dup, who now is retired, showed up to help with Papa Daycare.

Luke wasn't interested in the decorating last year. Not the case this year. He had an assembly line going.

 Roger wanted to try his hand at frosting too.
 Kaylyn, the old pro, did both - Frosting and sprinkles. I had to make her a new apron this year. She out grew her "baby" one.
 The Zierk children - supervised by Mommy and Grandma.
 Kendell tried to put sprinkles on a cookie without frosting. She soon learned it wouldn't stay.
 Matthew liked to spread the frosting. Kallie liked to eat it.

 Here is the group. My house was full of daughters and grand children and LOTS OF LOVE.

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