Sunday, January 11, 2015

Jigsaw January

Winter has arrived.
It's cold out and I don't want to go out in it.
Ok, maybe to visit with the grandkids, I will bundle up and venture out.

My spare time in January is time for me to exercise my mind, sharpen my memory, and push my patience, and fix a puzzle or 2.

This year Mike gave me 2 puzzles for Christmas - They must have been on sale. They were easy, so I fixed them one row at a time for a challenge.

I made short work of them and now got out a enormous, winter scene puzzle he got me a few years back. I have the table strategically placed in front of the picture window, where the tree was, for full daylight. I also can see outside and watch it snow. Win! Win!
Mike made a cover for the table for oversized puzzles. I clearly need it for this one.

 Then when I am not fixing a puzzle I am curled up under my new puzzle quilt, I just finished, reading a book. Maybe I even have a fire in the fireplace. Really not caring that it's cold outside.

I know I should be getting off my fat a** and try to rid myself of some of the holiday pounds, but it's cold outside and it's Jigsaw January!!!
Sharen just called - it's 34 outside, we are going walking.
I knew I shouldn't have gotten her that thermometer for Christmas.
Sorry puzzles, your gonna have to wait.

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