Friday, October 16, 2015


Two months ago Sharen and I were doing our morning walk around the neighborhood and noticed that Jill, one of our neighbors, was having a garage sale.
Sharen spotted some puzzles so we walk up the driveway to get a closer look.

Then I saw it!
A 5000 piece puzzle.
Aaaahh,  The clouds parted and the sun shone down right on it - I had to have it.

Jill was busy selling one of her quilts. (Yup, she's a quilter too, and her kids informed her they did not want them and suggested she sell some. I feel bad for her. HER KIDS DON'T WANT HER QUILTS??)

I took the puzzle (along with a few others) up to her husband and he was ready to do a little jig. He and Jill have tried to fix it and gave up on it. He was glad to see it go.

I took it home and got started sorting pieces right away. 4 large zip lock bags stuffed.
I sorted pieces from the box about 7 times before I got smart and got out extra work space..

The puzzle is 5'3" X 3'4" so I knew it wasn't going to fit on just one card table. It took 3 and some extra pieces of wood for more pieces. AND most of the living room.

3 card tables

added work space with pieces on top of pieces

Jill would stop by to keep up with my progress and was surprised that I stuck with it.
What she didn't know was I had help...

Roger found a piece 

Luke tried one too
 I ended taking out all the pieces they put in, but I applaud their efforts. Mike would just walk by shaking his head. The pieces were so similar in shape and had muted colors. It was Hard... I took a few of my pieces out too.

 Sharen would have to put a piece in every time she stopped by and also spent a few mornings with me  toward the end.
After 2 month I got it done. I never gave up and never wanted to quit. I really enjoyed fixing it.
Me crossing the finish line
4998 pieces later - 2 were missing.
I invited Jill down to see it. I put the pieces in baggies by section so she and her husband could fix it if they wanted too. She laughed at me and told me her husband does NOT want it back in the house, but was proud of me for finishing. I am pretty proud of myself.

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