Monday, November 30, 2015

White Christmas

Every morning I read the paper and then hand it over to Mike to read.

"Hey, Did you see...?" and before he finished his sentence I say "No, I don't want to see it."
See, I DID see the ad for White Christmas the play, and I have no desire to see anyone but Bing Crosby in that porduction. Period.

A few days later he asked me if I wanted to see "White Christmas" on the big screen, Are you kidding me? A big fat YES! I've never seen it on a big screen.

Marcus Theaters is showing holiday movies now until Christmas and "White Christmas" was the first one showing.
I was pretty sure that my niece, Carrie hasn't seen it on a big screen either so I called her right away and asked her if she would like to join us. She is a huge fan of the movie too. Every year we keep each other informed on when it's on TV - even though we both have the movie on DVD.
She jumped at the chance.

Big smiles
I watch this movie about 5 times a year and I know I have seen it 100's of times, but this was by far the best one. Bing Crosby on the big screen  - Wow.

You really notice the little things on a big screen. Like the lipstick and makeup that Bing Crosby had on. Pink Lipstick. Oh and his blue eyes Yowser.

The "Positively No Smoking" sign next to the smoking sign that says "Keep all ashes and cigarette butts off the floor". And still everyone is smoking. Ashtrays everywhere, on every table and on kitchen counters, dressing room tables.

The bright red nail polish worn by all the ladies and the red wigs the dancers were wearing. I asked Carrie if the wigs were plastic. They sure looked it.

You wouldn't even be able to see it on a little screen, but the TV that the Ed Harrison show was on was a DuMout.

It was magical and even though I tell myself over and over "You are not going to cry - You are not going to cry" when the general walks down the stairs and into the theater in his uniform - I cried. It gets me every time.
Good thing I brought extra Kleenex with me. Carrie had the sniffles then too.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

I love Thanksgiving.
It's always been, our huge family, getting together and eating (and a few occasions drinking) and playing games - being together. Come on, what's not to love about that. Yeah, I love everything about all of it.

I was a little bummed this year. Bryan and Mary and kids were headed to St. Louis. The other grandkids are spending the day with their Father and his family.
Mike suggested we do what HIS Mother always did and have a celebration the Sunday before.
Ooookaaay, (said with sad face) But I really want to see everybody on Thanksgiving. That's the day you are supposed to get together, eat too much and watch football.

Well, we had our Thanksgiving last Sunday and you know what - We were all together - we ate too much - and we watched football on TV. It was a really, really GREAT day.

Luke and Papa fixed some new puzzles that I got for him, while Mary and I got stuff together in the kitchen. Roger was the only one missing. He was already in St. Louis. He went down with Grandma Murphey last week.

paw Patrol Puzzles
Papa really must love this little guy, because he hates fixing puzzles.

When I asked for muscles for help in the kitchen, both Dylan and Logan volunteered.
Lifting the Turkey out of the roaster
Notice Dylan's hair?
The football team all got their hair bleached blond for the playoffs. He just did the top - I like it.

As I put away the leftovers, Mike and Brian did my dishes. I missed my sisters right about then. We'd hang out in the kitchen and we used to play a game - who can find the perfect size tupperware (and lid) for the amount of leftover.

While Owen and Bryan stayed inside to watch the Bears...

Owen giving Daddy High 5

Mary and Kaylyn took Luke outside for his first time sledding. We have the perfect hill for a 2 yr old. He loved it! He told me he is asking Santa for a sled.
He also loved the icicles hanging around the house. Bryan had a fascination with icicles when he was little too. Mary held him up to knock them off the front of the house where she could reach them from the deck. Then Daddy was called upon to lift him up to get the ones along the back porch.

Look at the beautiful trees in my backyard. That first snow fall is always magical to me. It's now Wednesday and the snow is gone.
Tomorrow, I just might head on over to the Turkey Bowl and watch my nephews and grandsons play some flag football. It calls for rain, so it might be interesting. Mike and I are going to have homemade Turkey soup from the leftovers and maybe take in a movie (Mockingjay).

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Readers!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Fall Decorations

After a visit to JoAnnes and Hobby Lobby I decided that decorating my house with fall foliage had to come from the forest preserve down the street.
The fall decorations were ridiculously expensive and the ones already made up ran up to $80. Ridiculous. I can do this for no cost, Just a little fun work.

Sharen and I took a walk around the trails collecting my stuff. Anything that looked good or interesting went in the pile. I don't use it - so what - I throw it away.
It was a beautiful fall day. We have been really lucky around here with the weather. November 14th and it's still in the 60's with clear blue skies.

Sharen collecting fussies
I decided to take the car down to get our treasures home. We would look mighty funny carrying all this stuff down the block. And I think this is illegal - taking weeds from a Forest Preserve.
Not Sure - Don't care!!
Back home I dug out my old crock pots, washed them up and got down to business.

Me at work
I made a big mess in the kitchen, but I am loving the results.
Yeah, poo poo to Joanne and Hobby Lobby! This was much more fun and the best part is I don't have to put it into storage for next year. I can throw it all away, because I have free weeds down the street.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Go Golfing

Just exactly what are you supposed to do when it turns 70 degrees in November?
You take advantage of the sunny beautiful day and call the Dupplers for some free golf at the Country Club.

It was also a good time for me to try out my birthday presents from the Flory crew.
Bryan and Mary gave me beautiful shining chrome golf balls.  "Her favorite color is chrome".
I tried using the yellow one, but they were super hard to find in all the yellow leaves. I had to put them away for next summer.

Mike brings home golf balls everyday from work. We have a storage bin in the garage full. Most of them are pretty good used balls. Lets just say golf balls will not be on our Christmas or birthday lists any time soon.
I took a dozen of the not so good ones  (Lets be honest he works at a Country Club - most of the balls are high caliber) and put them in a egg carton for Roger and Luke to decorate for me.

Bryan told me that they worked very hard to get it just right.
Being the great Grandma that I am, I picked 2 of my favorite, one from each of the boys to play with.

Roger's was colored in red with a piece of tape around it. He knew that red was my favorite color.
Roger's handy work
Luke's, of course, had to have stickers. Not just any stickers either - Spiderman Stickers!
All 6 of Luke's were taped together - in case I lost them.

Luke's sticker ball
I knew they weren't going to go very far, but it was fun playing with them.

Monday, November 2, 2015


So it's been a few days since we helped Sharen and Dup split their wood.
The soreness is gone but the bruises are still here.
Sharen rented this major splitter from Home Depot. Only $100 for the day. We had to haul ass and get it done. This was a Deluxe, Heavy duty monster machine. Sweet!!!
Putting the splitter in the right position is crucial.

Sharen positioning the wheelbarrow
 Mike and I have done this a few times and have a routine by now.
Wheelbarrow - Tractor with cart - and something under the splitter to catch the shavings and bark that falls - Check, check, check!! Sharen had a brilliant idea and put the kids saucer sled under it. A whole lot less raking.
Lets Roll.....
 We had a perfect day for it. Sunshine and cool.

We had a fire going - logs were getting split and stacked, momentum was building. Then Dup's mower decided it didn't like the workout and stopped in the middle of it all.

Time for a break. Mike walked down the street (so nice that we live 6 houses away from each other) and got our tractor. Back to work.

Stack number one complete.
Time for a lunch break. Jimmy Johns is next to Battery Plus so the boys killed 2 birds with one trip. Battery and Lunch returned.
It wasn't easy getting back up from those lawn chairs after eating, but we only have this machine for 1 day. Back to work...
Me at the controls with the boys lifting the logs
 Dup hasn't done anything like this before and just went were he was needed. Tell him where to go and what to do and he did it. Yeah, I would definitely put him back on my splitting team.
Sharen and Dup stacking

Mission accomplished - All of the Duppler's logs were spit by 2:00.

Now down to our house to split the branch that fell a few years back.
It doesn't look like much, but it took us another hour before and I called it. We have enough wood to last us 4 or 5 years and another dead tree that has to come down next year. We are done.
The last of the wood is going to have to go to someone with a fire pit. NO more splitting.

Home Depot had their splitter back by 5:00 and we had a hot tub that was calling out.
Funny, I still find this hard work fun to do.