Monday, November 2, 2015


So it's been a few days since we helped Sharen and Dup split their wood.
The soreness is gone but the bruises are still here.
Sharen rented this major splitter from Home Depot. Only $100 for the day. We had to haul ass and get it done. This was a Deluxe, Heavy duty monster machine. Sweet!!!
Putting the splitter in the right position is crucial.

Sharen positioning the wheelbarrow
 Mike and I have done this a few times and have a routine by now.
Wheelbarrow - Tractor with cart - and something under the splitter to catch the shavings and bark that falls - Check, check, check!! Sharen had a brilliant idea and put the kids saucer sled under it. A whole lot less raking.
Lets Roll.....
 We had a perfect day for it. Sunshine and cool.

We had a fire going - logs were getting split and stacked, momentum was building. Then Dup's mower decided it didn't like the workout and stopped in the middle of it all.

Time for a break. Mike walked down the street (so nice that we live 6 houses away from each other) and got our tractor. Back to work.

Stack number one complete.
Time for a lunch break. Jimmy Johns is next to Battery Plus so the boys killed 2 birds with one trip. Battery and Lunch returned.
It wasn't easy getting back up from those lawn chairs after eating, but we only have this machine for 1 day. Back to work...
Me at the controls with the boys lifting the logs
 Dup hasn't done anything like this before and just went were he was needed. Tell him where to go and what to do and he did it. Yeah, I would definitely put him back on my splitting team.
Sharen and Dup stacking

Mission accomplished - All of the Duppler's logs were spit by 2:00.

Now down to our house to split the branch that fell a few years back.
It doesn't look like much, but it took us another hour before and I called it. We have enough wood to last us 4 or 5 years and another dead tree that has to come down next year. We are done.
The last of the wood is going to have to go to someone with a fire pit. NO more splitting.

Home Depot had their splitter back by 5:00 and we had a hot tub that was calling out.
Funny, I still find this hard work fun to do.

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