Saturday, February 20, 2016


Now that we are home and I am back in to my some what normal routine, I have to tell you all that our little cutie pie of a grandson, Luke turned 3.

He is a charmer. His "smile" face (you know the one that says "I did something bad") melts my heart and yes, he can get away with most everything, Opps!
When he greets you he wants to be picked up for his hugs and will prance in front of you until you put everything down and pick him up, and he throws his arms around your neck.
He loves to dance.
He loves for me (or anybody who is close to him) to read to him. Sometimes he sits in your lap and sometimes he likes to sit next to you. He could go on for hours.
He asked Roger to help with him and Papa to look for Waldo (a book from his Uncle Brian). Aunt Stacy got him a storm trooper stocking hat.
Looking for Waldo
Both boys are very good at it.
He shares with his brothers.
Roger and I got to put together his monkey lego. I must admit Roger is far superior at it than me, but he had patience with me and we got it made. I found the pieces for him and he assembled.

Moneky lego set
 And as much as this little blondie loves his strawberries - he lets Owen empty the bowl. Owen does not like to miss a meal.
Licking the bowl
Happy 3rd birthday Luke.
I hope you grow to do great things. To be proud of who you are and succeed at what you do. I want you to have the strength to move mountains or to climb that mountain.
Grandma loves you!

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