Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day

Mothers Day we spent in the city with Bryan, Mary and the kids.
Mother and Son

Mother, Son and Grandsons

Every Mothers Day I make 2 of my Moms favorite salads. 3 bean and cucumber. Usually I eat it all myself. Mike doesn't like them and I do. It brings back memories of Mom for me.
I asked Mary if I could bring them knowing that her and the kids are not going to eat them. She agreed knowing that Bryan would like it seeing that she doesn't make them. I love that she lets me still cook for him.
 One of my favorite things to do with Mom was decorating cakes. I have her old kit. I'll confess I borrowed it and never returned it. She was not using it and I wanted it. I use it all the time too.
So I baked some cupcakes to take too.

Last year some time, I saw these cool cake decorating tips online that looked really easy to use. I bought a set for me and a set for my friend, Steve, the cake baker. Turns out they are not easy to use.
In honor of Mom I was going to get them back out and play with them till I got it.
It took me a few tries, but I am getting better. It helped having my Mom looking down and whispering in my ear.

blue roses and Oscar

Pink roses

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