Sunday, February 16, 2020

Florida Vacation

Florida, I've decided is a nice place to visit (especially in the winter), but I could never live there.
Down there all everybody talks about is the weather. What's to talk about it's hot or hotter. It was nice that the sun was shining, of course. We took walks on the "scenic trail" and it was not scenic. It was all sand dunes. It was sandy and dusty. No shade. I couldn't imagine what it would be like in the summer when it was hotter.
This is Scenic?
Golfing, we went to the closest course from our resort. It wasn't great. But we couldn't complain we were playing golf in February. and we could see our resort across the bay.
Those buildings are our resort
The next day we decided to drive an extra 15 minutes and try another course.
Mike calls for a tee time and the girl at the course asks him for a phone number. She recognized the area code and says "Oh, Chicago area?"
Mike tells her we are from Elgin. Turns out she is a friend of Bobby's daughter, Denise.
Mike was friends and worked with Bobby for 30 years. Well Sandy gave us a tee time and told us to stop in after to say Hi. (She wasn't scheduled to start work till after our t-time)
When we got there she was there - She had talked with Denise and said she didn't want to miss meeting us. Small world!

The resort where we stayed was very large. It had 5 towers of condos. It also had 5 pools and hot tubs. I was really happy it was off season. I wouldn't want to be there with more people.
The view from our 13th floor condo had the bay on the right and the ocean on
the left. Nothing in between. I didn't get a picture of Mike at the grill with the view, but I did get a picture of him eaing breakfast at our table.

Breakfast before Golf

Ocean View

View of the Bay
I'm glad we got away and relaxed. But I was glad to drive home into trees and mountains and cool, fresh air. I love experiencing all the four seasons and being right close to our families in Illinois.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I'm with you on the Florida thing. Love my 4 seasons, grass, and trees. Mary and Dave when they visit from South Carolina, take off their shoes and walk in the grass. Funning on the things you miss when you move from the area.