Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter 2020

It wasn't what I would of chosen for a Easter celebration.
When things are taken out of your control, you make it what you can.
There are some things Mike and I were going to keep as normal as possible.  I cooked the normal meal and we sat at the dining room table with the good dishes. We will have plenty more of meals from the left over ham.
Then things changed....
We watched mass on TV.
We got a social distance visit from Stacy - who brought us a Easter basket with eggs and sterile gloves. That we sweet.
That tells me that they miss us as much as we miss them. I let them know that I am counting on long, hard hugs in our future.

We got to facetime with the Flory family.
The Florys
One of the benefits of modern technology is staying connected at any moment. Talking with someone instantly and to spend time actually seeing them move, talk and giggle and seeing that everything is ok is huge.
I made bunny face masks for the boys.
Owen got so excited he screamed. Made our hearts happy.

Yes, Owen it's Grandma and Grandpa

We took a walk and many of the neighbors were out and about.
So I guess you can say we spent our Easter 2020 with them.

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