Monday, July 8, 2024

Hot Days Projects

 It’s been hot so far this summer. Sharen and I are still walking in the mornings, but when I want to get out and spend some time in my gardens - It’s Too Hot!!

So I decided to find some projects to do indoors.

The small half bath in our master bathroom was the first place I thought could use an update. And it’s a tiny space to get something done quickly.

I visited the local Sherman-Williams store and found a couple wallpaper patterns I liked. I usually ask Mike what he thinks, but mostly he agrees with me. 

Me: “ I want to wallpaper a wall in the small bathroom.”

Mike: “ ok, just as longs as it’s not too grandma-ish”

Opps, the paper I chosen was old fashion, I am a Grandma! He looked thru the book and found one he liked. After my surprise I liked it too and ordered it.


I painted the white shabby looking vanity recently. Added some new hardware also.
Vanity update found a rug to match too

Bathroom looks good.

Still too hot to do anything outdoors so I go looking for another project. One trip to the basement and I knew the stairway need painting badly. I very rarely go downstairs. Never noticed the 70’s paneling. 

Found some leftover paint from the kitchen so I found my next project. Mike took the doors down on the closet and the TV room. I thought they could stay wood. 

Stairs before

 Pantry Before
This paneling looked so awful. I can’t believe we have lived here 20 years and I haven’t noticed.
Stairs after

Pantry after

Now all I can see is how much the stairs need a do over. Tomorrow I vow to get back in my hostas and remove some weeds.

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