Saturday, December 29, 2007
Now you see it!
Stacy's graduation present from Mike and me was lasik surgery. Yesterday in the middle of the snow storm I took Stacy to Schaumburg to get it done. This place has the best coffee machine in the waiting area. It's one of those individual servings where you can pick your own flavor. I was prepared with 2 books (1 had only 53 pages to go) and counting on sampling at least 2 or 3 of the flavors. Well, I had just gotten my second cup of coffee and out walks Stacy. Huh! It took only 20 minutes for the surgery and recovery. She came back to our house for some down time. After 5 hours, 1 pain pill and a couple of steroid drops, she was declared glasses free. The first thing she read was her Teaching Certificate that had come in her mail that day. Good Timing! She told us the thing she looked forward to the most was rough housing with her kids and not having to worry about her glasses.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Video game workouts

This year I decided not to make cookies, thinking who needs the calories?
I made candy instead. Dumb!!!
Last night Jack and Jeremy came along with Cheryl to bowling and Jack brought along his New Nintendo DS. He was sooo concentrating on his game I'm sure he did not realize that his arm were flailing when he wanted his guy to move around. I do the same thing (Zelda is the worst for me, I work up a sweat). That's whats so great about the Wii. I asked Bryan to bring his along with him this weekend because I bought him Smackdown Vs Raw and I knew that Sharen got him table tennis.

Now I don't look like an idiot when I play video games. Okay maybe I do because everyone got a good laugh at me bowling. Im all over the room lining up my shot just like I'm in the alley. I would hate to see my do the boxing - I probably would punch someone out for real.
Then we tried my new game for my DDR. Now that was a workout. Who knew that Bryan had rhythm. I supose anyone would with the moves right there on the screen. He was much better at it than me.....
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Proud Moment
After a certain age your ideas of a "proud moment" in your life changes. Okay, I was proud of myself when I bowled that 300 no-tap, but nothing compares to when your children do something you can be proud of.
I got an e-mail today from my son Bryan, telling me he got a promotion and a raise. He down played it like it was no big deal, but Mother's know better. My heart hurt I was so proud of him.
I got an e-mail today from my son Bryan, telling me he got a promotion and a raise. He down played it like it was no big deal, but Mother's know better. My heart hurt I was so proud of him.
Christmas Wrap up
Ate way too much. Not so much the amount just the content (Fruit cake and Chocolate)
Said way too much. No I was not drunk just stupid and I'm sorry!
Spent way too much. All the presents fit or were liked so no exchanges.
It really does feel good to be back to work and in a normal routine even though after 5 days off work -
6:15 came way too early.
Said way too much. No I was not drunk just stupid and I'm sorry!
Spent way too much. All the presents fit or were liked so no exchanges.
It really does feel good to be back to work and in a normal routine even though after 5 days off work -
6:15 came way too early.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I left work early with a last minute great present in mind. Headed up to the mall, ordered the present and paid WAY too much. (Avoid Things Remembered). I was pissed that they overcharged me and on the way home had to stop for gas. Decided to run into Meijer to get a few things for cookies and booze. Now I have to pee and Meijer bathrooms are way too small and there was a line (at a grocery store- come on) and I forgot my list.
Okay - I'me telling you all this so you can see how pre-occupied I was.
My niece, Michelle, was worried about a lone pair of earrings she accidently lifted from the Target - Well I tried to walk outa there with $85.58 worth of sweets and booze. I scanned all the items and they got hung up so I preceeded to go bag them. That is usually Mike's job.
Yeah - I forgot to go back and scan my card to pay for the damn stuff. Why couldn't the store be busy so someone was behind me and could keep an eye on me. NOOO - Some dark skinned skinny guy with an accent (you know who they are) flagged me down screaming OOOH -We need money..
I tried to tell him that I was old and can't remember. He didn't buy it either.
Okay - I'me telling you all this so you can see how pre-occupied I was.
My niece, Michelle, was worried about a lone pair of earrings she accidently lifted from the Target - Well I tried to walk outa there with $85.58 worth of sweets and booze. I scanned all the items and they got hung up so I preceeded to go bag them. That is usually Mike's job.
Yeah - I forgot to go back and scan my card to pay for the damn stuff. Why couldn't the store be busy so someone was behind me and could keep an eye on me. NOOO - Some dark skinned skinny guy with an accent (you know who they are) flagged me down screaming OOOH -We need money..
I tried to tell him that I was old and can't remember. He didn't buy it either.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Stacy graduates
Anyone who says that you can't love someone because they are not of your blood is soooo wrong. I couldn't love my step-daughter anymore than if she was my own.

Stacy graduated from Northern Illinois University Sunday. She took the rough road to get there, but you know what that doesn't matter anymore, cause she is there. She IS a Special Education Teacher. She is the person who is going to give these kids that extra TLC and help them turn their lives around.
Stacy would call me on her way home from school and talk about how thing were going for her. When she started student teaching the talks were always about her students - that's when I knew that she is going to make a great teacher. I'm gonna miss her "fill me in" and her "gotta vent" phone calls.
I know she will find a job real soon, not because Special Ed. teachers are hard to find, but because she is one of the GOOD ones and any school would be lucky to have her.

Stacy graduated from Northern Illinois University Sunday. She took the rough road to get there, but you know what that doesn't matter anymore, cause she is there. She IS a Special Education Teacher. She is the person who is going to give these kids that extra TLC and help them turn their lives around.
Stacy would call me on her way home from school and talk about how thing were going for her. When she started student teaching the talks were always about her students - that's when I knew that she is going to make a great teacher. I'm gonna miss her "fill me in" and her "gotta vent" phone calls.
I know she will find a job real soon, not because Special Ed. teachers are hard to find, but because she is one of the GOOD ones and any school would be lucky to have her.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
All about Kory

The third "son" has hit the big 30. Stepson-Brian, Son-Bryan and now son-in-law Kory have all turned 30 this year. We partied down at the "Streets of Chicago" (that is actually a bar in Elgin) Friday night. Here is Kory with his family Mom, Terri and Stepdad, Byron doing shots and his sister Kiley holding him up. Byron had a method to his maddness though,several of us put a $1 in a kitty to see when the birthday boy would go down....
Byron won with 9:15. That is when he was offically cut off by the bartender. Yeah - I know EARLY!!!!! In Kory's defense though he does get up at 3:00am for work so he did have a long day.

It warmed my heart to see all of Kory's friends show up to help him celebrate his birthday. I knew he was a likable guy and all those people there proved me right again.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Coach Zierk

The signs of aging is just not with your body. It means the people around you grow up too.
My niece Carrie is the cheerleading coach for the "Burlington Comets". These young girls all look up to her for guidance. What happen to the little girl that used to ride along with me in my little blue truck, moving signs, and singing "You are my Sunshine"? She has turned into a middle school English teacher that these kids all affectionately call Mrs. "Z".
Sharen and I faced the weather and wandered out to Burlington to watch Carrie's girls perform. She then took us down to her see her classroom. It was obvious to me that she LOVES her job and how proud she is of her students. I can see that she is the type of teacher who is going to make a difference in these kids lives and one they will remember. My favorite middle school teacher would have to be Mr. Krultz, my 7th grade art teacher.
Friday, December 7, 2007
I do not believe that people should live beyond their means!
Mike and I sold our old house to a young girl and her boyfriend. Sharen called the other day and asked if I had seen that "Kate St" was in the paper under the foreclosures. OUCH!
This is the house that Bryan grew up in. We have some great memories there and I thought that I was selling it to someone who could love it and take care of it like we did. Wrong! The ad says "as is" which is a big sign that things are not good. I rode by the house. It broke my heart. The front has a shutter missing and it looks abandoned. Very Sad!
Mike and I sold our old house to a young girl and her boyfriend. Sharen called the other day and asked if I had seen that "Kate St" was in the paper under the foreclosures. OUCH!
This is the house that Bryan grew up in. We have some great memories there and I thought that I was selling it to someone who could love it and take care of it like we did. Wrong! The ad says "as is" which is a big sign that things are not good. I rode by the house. It broke my heart. The front has a shutter missing and it looks abandoned. Very Sad!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
"The City"

The main reason I go into "The City" is to see a game. Yesterday Mike and I went in to site see. We parked up at Bryan's place and took the el downtown. Let me say I think trains should travel on ground ONLY. Don't like heights and hate tunnels even more, but I can understand why this mode of transportation has to be saved in Chicago. It was easy to get around for $2.00.
We stopped at Macy's and checked out the windows (very disappointing) and went to the see the "tree" at the walnut room. I got a little girl to stand still and smile so her Mom could take her picture with the tree in the background. I think she was fasinated of the lady in the funny hat. We wandered over to Daley plaza and hooked up with Andy and Michelle for lunch.

It was cold out - even for the pigeons.

Andy took us in circles to get to Monk's. It is two doors down from a liquor store that Andy and I had the misfortune, a few years ago, of witnessing an almost robbery. The guy brings out a baseball bat and the robber was scared off - scared me too. Nothing is dull with Andy.
Sitting at lunch I realized what the attraction is for Chicago. We had no idea what the outside world was doing sitting in the back of that bar. We could have been in northern Wis. and we were only steps away from busy streets and high rises. When we got out it was snowing. Mike and I walked down to Millennium park. I haven't seen it before. The rink was getting swept so no skating and there was no one at the bean. It was snowing really hard.

We decided to walk to Water Tower place. Headed down Michigan Avenue. It was a nice walk to the tower. Stopped in HawkQuarters so Mike could buy a t-shirt. Found a Radio Shack. (No - They didn't have my cable). Had a cup of coffee and people watched at Scared Ground on the second floor. I really just wanted to get off my feet. Backtracked to find an el stop and found Garrett's popcorn. Picked some up for a lady Mike works with. And that was the extent of our shopping in Chicago.
Headed back to Bryan's and had dinner with him and his roommate Mary at Frasca on Roscoe. Nice way to spend a vacation day.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Yipee!!!! I have this week off. Normally I am not one of those people that have no place to go all year so they have an abudunant supply of vacation days they have to squeeze into Dec. I work part time and my vacation days are set by how many hour I worked the previous year.So here I am with 50.5 hours to use up this year. Since I'm only allowed to work 25.5 hours a week I have two week to use.

The house is getting decorated Fireplace is done (it looks much better at night lite up)and a big fire burning. The little tree next to it hold all my Golf ornaments.No that is not a star on top it's a used golf glove.
The tree is up in the living room. I have a couple ornaments that I put in front so I can enjoy them. Bryan made me one in fourth grade that I love, but I realized that most of my favs are from my niece Carrie. I have been giving my Godchildren ornaments since their birth that have the year on it. (Reason being: when they move out on their own they have something to start with). Carrie has been giving me ornaments since 1992(?). My fav by far is the one she gave me the year Cheesecake died. It looks just like him.
I decorate the whole house - Yes! even the bathroom.

The house is getting decorated Fireplace is done (it looks much better at night lite up)and a big fire burning. The little tree next to it hold all my Golf ornaments.No that is not a star on top it's a used golf glove.

The tree is up in the living room. I have a couple ornaments that I put in front so I can enjoy them. Bryan made me one in fourth grade that I love, but I realized that most of my favs are from my niece Carrie. I have been giving my Godchildren ornaments since their birth that have the year on it. (Reason being: when they move out on their own they have something to start with). Carrie has been giving me ornaments since 1992(?). My fav by far is the one she gave me the year Cheesecake died. It looks just like him.

I decorate the whole house - Yes! even the bathroom.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Coach Duppler

Tuesday night Sharen and I ventured over to our old stomping ground. EHS! Go Maroons..
The only problem we were there to watch my nephew Jon coach his Larkin High School freshman girls team against our old high school team the mighty maroons.
We sat in the last row down next to a guy that looked familiar. He was the starting point guard for the 73' Maroon team that went down state and Jon has his daughter on his team. I teased him a bit about his daughter being in the wrong colors. His wife disagreed. She was a Larkin Royal grad. We reminisce a little bit about the old school and the good times had.
It was strange watching Jon in the leadership roll. I can remember going to watch HIM play. Time does march on!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
55 can be OLDER!
It's Saturday night and I'm curled up on the sofa under my quilt with a fire in the fireplace. Since I don't care much for college football and my Bulls already lost this afternoon I started channel surfing.
185 - the Hallmark channel had a movie that looked interesting. "The Christmas Card". It had Ed Asner in it so I watched it. Pretty sappy, but I enjoyed it.
The next movie had Ernest Bourgnine in it. I like him too so I stayed tuned. "A Grandpa for Christmas".
Mike came in and asked what I was watching - I said Hallmark - "You and my mother!"
Then I realized the commercials. Quaker Oats, Boniva, Activia, AARP. OH MY GOD!!! This is an old persons channel.
The movie made me cry - I mean the sobbing need a kleenex cry and I loved it!
185 - the Hallmark channel had a movie that looked interesting. "The Christmas Card". It had Ed Asner in it so I watched it. Pretty sappy, but I enjoyed it.
The next movie had Ernest Bourgnine in it. I like him too so I stayed tuned. "A Grandpa for Christmas".
Mike came in and asked what I was watching - I said Hallmark - "You and my mother!"
Then I realized the commercials. Quaker Oats, Boniva, Activia, AARP. OH MY GOD!!! This is an old persons channel.
The movie made me cry - I mean the sobbing need a kleenex cry and I loved it!
55 can be YOUNG!
Welcome to the 21st century!
That was the first phone call I got (from Bryan) and the first text message I got (from Andy). Great minds think alike!!
I was at Kohls shopping w/Sharen the other day - Saw some shorts that Bryan liked to wear on sale - borrowed Sharen's cell phone to call Bryan and ask if he wanted me to get him some.
"When are you going to get into the 21st century and get yourself a phone?"
Well I'm there! This 55er went and got a cell phone. I circled the carousel with all the phones on it and eliminated all the ones that I couldn't read without my glasses. That left 5. Next I looked at cost. OK - Who pays $350 for a phone? Well, not me... The lady let me use the phones to call Sharen to hear what they sounded like. Mike explained to her that she was the one that I would talk with the most and needed to hear me. Bingo - found my phone. The plan was easy. Cheap plan with text messaging (my bowling team LOVES to text).
That was the first phone call I got (from Bryan) and the first text message I got (from Andy). Great minds think alike!!
I was at Kohls shopping w/Sharen the other day - Saw some shorts that Bryan liked to wear on sale - borrowed Sharen's cell phone to call Bryan and ask if he wanted me to get him some.
"When are you going to get into the 21st century and get yourself a phone?"
Well I'm there! This 55er went and got a cell phone. I circled the carousel with all the phones on it and eliminated all the ones that I couldn't read without my glasses. That left 5. Next I looked at cost. OK - Who pays $350 for a phone? Well, not me... The lady let me use the phones to call Sharen to hear what they sounded like. Mike explained to her that she was the one that I would talk with the most and needed to hear me. Bingo - found my phone. The plan was easy. Cheap plan with text messaging (my bowling team LOVES to text).
Friday, November 23, 2007
Turkey Day!!
6:15 am - Wake up singing - YES! I am a morning person. Stuff the two turkeys with the stuffing made last night. The 22 pounder goes in the electric roasting oven the 18 pounder goes in the frig for later.
7:30 am - Snow on the ground -Bryan wakes up coughing and getting ready to go play football, but really doesn't want to. It's nice to have him back home for the weekend.
8:00 am - Pop the turkey in the oven. Peel the potatoes and YES - still singing.
9:15 am - Sit to read my morning papers. Love those inserts! Realize that the proper time can not be spent on reading and put them away for later.
9:30 am - Jump in the shower. Singing all the way!!!
9:50 am - Peel 10lbs of potatoes and throw my Nebraska corn together.
10:00 am - Plug in the heaters in the garage to warm up the place. We set all the tables out there yesterday. I made center pieces from branches from my oriental crab apple tree. Things are looking good...
11:00 am - Mom, Linda and Deanna arrive. Mom wants to see the turkey. Realize the oven is NOT hot. Broken!!!!! All I can think of is - Yes - new stainless steel stove.
Took the corn cassarole to Sharen's down the street and Mike threw the turkey on the grill. Save the day!!!
1:00 pm - Food is being put on the serving table. What are we going to do with all that food? (Ran out of three vege dishes before I could get my plate filled - Note to Michelle - This family loves to eat - double the recipe next year)

1:25 pm - Food is served and all the family is gathered together.
OK - this took me back a step. I was in the kitchen with tears in my eyes. Mike asked me if I was OK. Stop and Listen! Our family is laughing, happy and talking over each other or teasing with each other.
2:30 pm - Mike is doing the dishes - Sharen and Vicki are drying and me putting them back in their proper places.

Kids are watching Ratatouille in the bedroom
The day is going great.
6:15 pm -After 9 years I finally win a Euchre tourney.
I was partnered with my brother-in-law Bill. We even went through Andy and Bryan (who have each won this thing 3 times and were partners) My life is good!
After everyone left around 7:00 pm. Bryan and Brian both commented on how "It was a great day." My heart felt good.
7:30 am - Snow on the ground -Bryan wakes up coughing and getting ready to go play football, but really doesn't want to. It's nice to have him back home for the weekend.
8:00 am - Pop the turkey in the oven. Peel the potatoes and YES - still singing.
9:15 am - Sit to read my morning papers. Love those inserts! Realize that the proper time can not be spent on reading and put them away for later.
9:30 am - Jump in the shower. Singing all the way!!!
9:50 am - Peel 10lbs of potatoes and throw my Nebraska corn together.
10:00 am - Plug in the heaters in the garage to warm up the place. We set all the tables out there yesterday. I made center pieces from branches from my oriental crab apple tree. Things are looking good...
11:00 am - Mom, Linda and Deanna arrive. Mom wants to see the turkey. Realize the oven is NOT hot. Broken!!!!! All I can think of is - Yes - new stainless steel stove.
Took the corn cassarole to Sharen's down the street and Mike threw the turkey on the grill. Save the day!!!
1:00 pm - Food is being put on the serving table. What are we going to do with all that food? (Ran out of three vege dishes before I could get my plate filled - Note to Michelle - This family loves to eat - double the recipe next year)

1:25 pm - Food is served and all the family is gathered together.
OK - this took me back a step. I was in the kitchen with tears in my eyes. Mike asked me if I was OK. Stop and Listen! Our family is laughing, happy and talking over each other or teasing with each other.
2:30 pm - Mike is doing the dishes - Sharen and Vicki are drying and me putting them back in their proper places.

Kids are watching Ratatouille in the bedroom
The day is going great.
6:15 pm -After 9 years I finally win a Euchre tourney.
I was partnered with my brother-in-law Bill. We even went through Andy and Bryan (who have each won this thing 3 times and were partners) My life is good!
After everyone left around 7:00 pm. Bryan and Brian both commented on how "It was a great day." My heart felt good.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Toe Injury
Mike and I spent this last weekend splitting wood again. That's three weekends just splitting wood. Now that is hard work and just asking for an injury. Nope - nothing for me but a sore back.
I walk around my sewing table to sit at my sewing machine and trip on the extension cord and break my toe! Go Figure.
I walk around my sewing table to sit at my sewing machine and trip on the extension cord and break my toe! Go Figure.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Who Can't Throw a Gutter?
Sucking at bowling is one thing, but consistantly being bad is another. Last night I threw 12 splits in 3 games. My first two games were 159's.
My last game I had a 140 in the 8th with a spare in the ninth. Yeah! Throw a gutter and then a nine and I get a triple patch. Just throw a gutter!!!!!
We already had the game one so my teammates are all for it.
Oh no Not me. I was thinking just go for the 10 pin you miss it all the time anyway.
NO - I got a nine. Pins were falling all over the place -It wasn't pretty either. I was laughing too hard to pick it up - 168.
My last game I had a 140 in the 8th with a spare in the ninth. Yeah! Throw a gutter and then a nine and I get a triple patch. Just throw a gutter!!!!!
We already had the game one so my teammates are all for it.
Oh no Not me. I was thinking just go for the 10 pin you miss it all the time anyway.
NO - I got a nine. Pins were falling all over the place -It wasn't pretty either. I was laughing too hard to pick it up - 168.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Editorial vs Blog
I love my newspapers. I read 3 papers a day. Whenever we travel I HAVE to have the hometown paper of the city we visit. Favorite so far besides the Myrtle Beach Sun - San Francisco and Colorado Springs.
While most people are sleeping in on Sundays - Me - I'm up by 7:30 reading my newspapers with a pot of coffee. Mike knows how much I like the peace and quiet so he stays in bed sometimes watching TV till he knows that I'm almost through - then he can have the papers (I ALWAYS read the papers first)Yeah, I know what a great guy! I greatly appreciate that! I even love those inserts. I like the idea of holding the paper in my hand instead of looking at a computer screen. Can't find too many ads online either. YET.
Maybe it's in my blood - I work at a newspaper, in the Advertising department. Been there 19 years.
Well at work we are always trying to out schock the next person. I blurted out "Well I got a tattoo" surprised a few people and No I didn't show it. Maybe I was the oldest to get a tattoo, but I was not the only one that had one.
"Well I blog". Me and my big mouth. After they all stopped laughing. They were impressed. I wasn't about to give them my address though.
I tired to convinve them that Blogging is just like the work they do when they write an Editorial. Only theirs is published and mine is a little more private.. The verdict is stillout on that one because mine is uncencored and theirs goes through their editors.
While most people are sleeping in on Sundays - Me - I'm up by 7:30 reading my newspapers with a pot of coffee. Mike knows how much I like the peace and quiet so he stays in bed sometimes watching TV till he knows that I'm almost through - then he can have the papers (I ALWAYS read the papers first)Yeah, I know what a great guy! I greatly appreciate that! I even love those inserts. I like the idea of holding the paper in my hand instead of looking at a computer screen. Can't find too many ads online either. YET.
Maybe it's in my blood - I work at a newspaper, in the Advertising department. Been there 19 years.
Well at work we are always trying to out schock the next person. I blurted out "Well I got a tattoo" surprised a few people and No I didn't show it. Maybe I was the oldest to get a tattoo, but I was not the only one that had one.
"Well I blog". Me and my big mouth. After they all stopped laughing. They were impressed. I wasn't about to give them my address though.
I tired to convinve them that Blogging is just like the work they do when they write an Editorial. Only theirs is published and mine is a little more private.. The verdict is stillout on that one because mine is uncencored and theirs goes through their editors.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Exercise for 55er's
Sharen and I try to walk everyday. With the time change and the weather getting cold (2 really good excuses) I have been looking for an alternative to move. AARP the magazine had an article on the new Nintendo wii and how seniors were using it to stay active. Bryan has one and we tried it. Mike liked it alot. I wanted to start out cheaper. I heard about Dance, Dance, Revolution and thought I would like to try that. Who doesn't love to dance - and in the privacy of your own home. Bryan had an Xbox game system he wasn't using and offered it. Last weekend he brought it out and hooked me up.
Now I don't know too much about gaming. Though I did conquer Zelda when I was layed up with my foot surgery. I wanted to get a piece of paper to write down instructions on how to turn the game on and what "clicker" I needed to use to make the game system talk to the TV. Bryan had a good laugh and told me "Your not 100 - it's really simple". Okay he was right it was pretty simple.
So I ordered the pad and 1 game. Stay tuned!
Now I don't know too much about gaming. Though I did conquer Zelda when I was layed up with my foot surgery. I wanted to get a piece of paper to write down instructions on how to turn the game on and what "clicker" I needed to use to make the game system talk to the TV. Bryan had a good laugh and told me "Your not 100 - it's really simple". Okay he was right it was pretty simple.
So I ordered the pad and 1 game. Stay tuned!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Veterans Day
Mike is a marine! "Once a Marine always a Marine".
The City of Elgin is erecting a memorial for all the Veterans of Elgin. A committee was formed. Mike's boss is on the committee. You guess it! Mike gets to do all the "grunt" (military term) work. He has been spending a great deal of time this last week getting everything set up for the Veterans Day memorial ground breaking. Painting shovels, erecting a tent, setting up chairs etc. etc. so all the Committee members and the politicians can get their picture taken shoveling dirt.
I joined Mike at the ceremony just so I can see what he's been up to.
I was overwhelmed. There were men there who took the service to their country VERY seriously. The flag was presented, America the Beautiful was played by the Larkin HS Band, and a speech was given about the history of Veterans Day. Usually I tune that sort of stuff out (History is NOT for me), but I actually listened. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month Veterans Day was born. That's why Veterans Day celebrations are always at 11:00 am.

When the ceremony was over they played Taps. I have to admit I lost it! There was a soldier standing in front of me who jumped to attention, took his hat off and saluted. It reminded me of when they played taps at my Dad's funeral and my nephew Eddie who is in the Army stood at attention. I'm glad I was alone as I walked back to the car to go home.
The City of Elgin is erecting a memorial for all the Veterans of Elgin. A committee was formed. Mike's boss is on the committee. You guess it! Mike gets to do all the "grunt" (military term) work. He has been spending a great deal of time this last week getting everything set up for the Veterans Day memorial ground breaking. Painting shovels, erecting a tent, setting up chairs etc. etc. so all the Committee members and the politicians can get their picture taken shoveling dirt.

I joined Mike at the ceremony just so I can see what he's been up to.
I was overwhelmed. There were men there who took the service to their country VERY seriously. The flag was presented, America the Beautiful was played by the Larkin HS Band, and a speech was given about the history of Veterans Day. Usually I tune that sort of stuff out (History is NOT for me), but I actually listened. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month Veterans Day was born. That's why Veterans Day celebrations are always at 11:00 am.

When the ceremony was over they played Taps. I have to admit I lost it! There was a soldier standing in front of me who jumped to attention, took his hat off and saluted. It reminded me of when they played taps at my Dad's funeral and my nephew Eddie who is in the Army stood at attention. I'm glad I was alone as I walked back to the car to go home.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Hosting Thanksgiving
Thanskgiving in our family is a big deal. There are three sister (Vicki, Sharen, Me) who rotate hosting the shindig. Mary used to be in the mix but she moved to South Carolina. This year it is at my house. Here is the overwhelming menu. YES! it will ALL get eaten.
Karen - 2 turkeys, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Nebraska Corn
Stacy - Green Bean Casserole, black olives
Mom - Rolls, butter
Vicki - pumpkin cake, 2 pumpkin pies, cool whip
Cheryl - Vege casserole, kid food
Michelle - Broccoli casserole, Cookies
Deanna - Vegetable tray, dips
Sheri - Spinach casserole, green olives
Linda - Jellos
Mary - Good Thought :)
Leslie - A Clemson WIN
Sharen - Rutabaga/Carrots, Sweet Potatoes
Carrie - Peanut Butter Browines, dill pickles
Brian, Bryan, Nate, Jon - bottle wine for dinner
Thats the women's part.
The men of the family turn into boys and play "The Turkey Bowl" That means getting up early to play football - rain or shine. Below is the teams from last year. I just hope the weather is as good this year.
Happy Thanksgiving...

Karen - 2 turkeys, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Nebraska Corn
Stacy - Green Bean Casserole, black olives
Mom - Rolls, butter
Vicki - pumpkin cake, 2 pumpkin pies, cool whip
Cheryl - Vege casserole, kid food
Michelle - Broccoli casserole, Cookies
Deanna - Vegetable tray, dips
Sheri - Spinach casserole, green olives
Linda - Jellos
Mary - Good Thought :)
Leslie - A Clemson WIN
Sharen - Rutabaga/Carrots, Sweet Potatoes
Carrie - Peanut Butter Browines, dill pickles
Brian, Bryan, Nate, Jon - bottle wine for dinner
Thats the women's part.
The men of the family turn into boys and play "The Turkey Bowl" That means getting up early to play football - rain or shine. Below is the teams from last year. I just hope the weather is as good this year.
Happy Thanksgiving...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I am a Quilter
Here is a picture of my Mom and the quilt that I made her for her birthday last March. I e-mailed this photo to my sisters and Sharen called right away. "How did you get Mom to let you take her picture? And check out that big smile!" Then I knew - I am a quilter. My Mother like her quilt! I realized that ALL my sisters needed one of my quilts. Linda was the only one with a quilt that I had made 5 years ago for her. So this year I set out to give my sisters a quilt for their birthdays. 9/7, 9/26, 10/9 and 11/8. Alot of sewing in a little time. I shipped off the last quilt to my sister Vicki yesterday for her 65th birthday. Mission accomplished.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Park Like Setting

Mike and I bought our house 3 years ago. We looked at our current house mainly because it was down the street from my twin. The ad for the house said Location, Location, Location. How true that was! We live in a park. Seriously - We have deer that wander through the yard all year long. Racoons that want to get into our roof attic fans. I have squirrels eating my outdoor pumpkin and indian corn display. Mice live in our shed. Ask my son Bryan about the coyotes - He has a great story. And we have yard work in the fall. We have nine oak trees (we did have 10 - see previous blog) and one maple tree in our yard. Weekends in the fall are spent blowing, mulching and raking leaves before and after the Bears games. This weekend with the Bears on bye, we got alot done and my flower beds love it.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Bowling Goddess
Andy my nephew is having a hard time with his bowling this year. I on the other hand am setting the lanes on fire. OK - maybe luke warm. BUT - I have raised my average to a 177 and rising. I bowled a 541 last night. I have managed to throw a 200 game/500 series for the last five weeks in a row. Maybe I just jinx myself, but who cares. I'm giving all the credit to my new bowling shoes. Of course, I look good too. Andy likes to bet - Maybe I can fire him up with a little wager each week.....
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tonight I have turned from a "Great" Grandma so not so good. The three grandkids showed up trick or treating. The ninja I knew. Who doesn't know Raggety Ann? Now Optomus Prime - Now him I didn't know. Hell - I don't even know if the spelling is right. I did know that he was a transformer.(Good Guess). But the toys ruled and they got the leftover candy (Nerds) from the trick or treaters I didn't get here. So all wasn't lost.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Tree Cutting

So- How many women do you know who would stack all this wood? Well, if you are reading this you do know one! Hate to mention age again, but at my age I did it. Thank God, Sharen showed up because I was about ready to throw in the towel...
Sharen helped save the day and we got it all done. The boys were splitting and we did the stacking. Should turn out to be a cozy winter. I love a fire in the fireplace.
Sharen helped save the day and we got it all done. The boys were splitting and we did the stacking. Should turn out to be a cozy winter. I love a fire in the fireplace.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
55 Can be a great age TOO!
Okay! So here I am 55 years old and starting my blog. You are never too old to start something new. Anyone who knows me - knows I'm up for a challenge at times. I guess I wouldn't have to share it with anyone - now would I. I just have to get in the hang of it!!!!!!!!!
So bear with me and I will try and keep you up on the goings on of the older woman.
So bear with me and I will try and keep you up on the goings on of the older woman.
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