Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Needs no Title

So I am at Joanne's (no surprise) standing in line to check out. The lady in front of me steps up to the check out. Behind the counter is a young boy, high school age. I am sure he applied here because his Mother told him to one: get a job, and two: why not at Joanne's for the 20% off employee discount. He clearly did not want to be here. He asks the lady if she has any coupons and she pulls out her ipad. Huh? Really? She wanted the online discount. I snickered and went on my merry way while he tried to tell the lady those are just for online purchases. Poor Thing.


So, I decided to go with Mike to Dylan's baseball game. My comment on the way there was "I hope he plays more than one inning". See he NEVER plays when I show up.

Second inning he gets pulled. Going into the top of the fifth (we are visitors) his Mother is pacing and grumbling about Dylan sitting for 4 innings. Now there are only 10 kids there and it's 94 degrees out. Most coaches would rotate players right?
I heard enough so I stroll over to the dugout and ask Dylan if he is hurt.
 "No Grandma, Just a little tired."
 "Of course your tired, it's 94 degrees out and I am sure all the kids are tired."
Well, the coach hears me (yes, I meant for him too) and tells Dylan
"OH, sorry I'll get you in next inning".
Dylan plays and the team wins.
No, I am not that parent or in this case grand parent. I usually sit down the side lines and behave myself and leave the complaining up to the moms and dads.


I can't decide what is better -
sipping a glass of wine in front of the fire, snuggled under my quilt, after shoveling the snow
enjoying a beer on the back deck, sweating, with the sun on my face after finishing mowing the lawn


Unknown said...

I am going beer on back deck!

Anonymous said...

Dup votes for the beer on the deck and I vote for wine by the fire. Sharen

Sue said...

Beer on back deck. Though wine is my preference, sun on the face trumps all.

c_reuter said...

Beer on back deck- no brainer. You did well sticking your head in the dugout. No kid should sit 4 straight innings. That is ridiculous.