Thursday, June 7, 2012

Yard Work Complete

At least at Stacy's house. I still have work to get done at Bryan and Mary's.

We trekked into Chicago to pick up the leftover stones from Bryan and Mary's. Brian had his truck loaded down. While Mike and Brian were hauling the stones I got to work on The Flory's back yard flower beds.

They were so over grown that I only got 1/2 way through before the stones were loaded and the boys wanted to get going and started on Stacy's backyard.

What a difference...

 This is the path I made to cover the dirt between the patios. Now they can get to their pool toys in the bins without going through the mud. YAY.
As we were sitting around admiring our work Stacy was whining that she wanted to do something with the evergreens that were clearly over grown on the side of her house. So I ask "Do you want us to get them down today?" She gave a big grin and said "YES". She stills know how to work that parent child angle.

Mike got the chainsaw back out and out came 3 of 6 of  the trees.

She is on her own for trimming the last few trees. - That is until she gives up and calls Mike.

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