Tuesday, December 15, 2015


It all started with Me, Sharen and Mom getting together and baking Christmas cookies in my kitchen. Mom just couldn't stand for that long and Sharen and I just didn't want her to stop baking her Christmas cookies.

It's now a annual Christmas cookie exchange with some of Mom's recipes still coming out of my kitchen.

Gangs all here
Sharen and I sat down with our Grand daughters and decorated some cookies. Kallie and Kendell would of stayed there all day. What great little helpers. 
Around the table, The "K" team, plus Sharen.    Kallie - Kendell - Sharen - Karen - Kaylyn. 

Stacy steps in to see if we need her. We got this.
 Carrie checks on her group . Yup, the Grandma's have this all under control.
Mary and the boys were running a little late, but I saved them some cookies to sprinkle.
Roger jumped right in, but Luke just wanted to fix the new puzzles. (Thanks to the Reuters.)
Ben sat long enough to decorate a couple cookies, but there were toys in the other room that looked more interesting.
Owen shares a seat with Erica that got Ben's attention.

You know that's not me right...Hey Mom, I'm over here.
I think Mom would love that we are getting together to do this each year.
I love that our daughters WANT to do this each year.

The Christmas cookies are an added bonus.

1 comment:

Zierk Fam said...

Grandma would LOVE that we are still baking all of her favorites! Except for the rum balls of course...