Thursday, December 17, 2015

What's That Noise?

I think I have a pretty good sense of hearing.

I prefer a quite space apposed to a room with a TV or radio on, same in the car. Everything turned down low or off.
Whenever our friend Steve visits, he always asks when we are watching TV "Can you seriously hear that?" Maybe not a good example, cause he can't hear much of anything. Point is I love me some peace and quite.

I am sitting in my chair, reading - house is quiet and I hear some noise.
First I think it's just the birds in the bush outside the window and continue reading. When I look out the window, I don't see any birds so I take a walk outside and listen and nope that's not it.
I know, Mike left the TV on in the basement. Nope, that's not it either.
The frig just came on - I walk over and listen. Nope not it either.
I know there is no point in asking Mike. He has tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and has a hard time hearing anything.

I take a walk down the basement and can't hear a thing. The noise is definitely upstairs.
I sit back down in my chair and listen some. Then I start to laugh. I remembered the grandkids were here this weekend and like his older brother Roger, Owen loves my clock radio next to my chair.
It's an old thing and I'm not sure the music even works I like to keep it there to check the time occasionally. I let them touch it and push the buttons on the top. They think they are getting away with something. It's so cute to watch and all I have to do is reset the time when they leave. No big deal.

Right now it's hidden under my golf Christmas tree, but Owen still managed to find it.
He must also have found the on/off switch along the side - because that's where the noise was coming from. The little bugger turned on the radio to static.

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