Thursday, November 30, 2017

Handy Husband

We either have to split the pile of wood in our backyard or I have to stay off of Pinterest.
Now that Mike has stopped his summer job, I have put him to work at home.
He has been a busy little elf in his workshop this pass week.

First let me say it all started with the pumpkins I had made for Sharen for our birthday. I also made some for me, Stacy, and Mary. I did ask Sharen if it was ok for me to make some for the girls. It was a birthday present for her and it didn't seem special if I started making them for everybody else without her permission. She said Go for it!

Mike and I had cut a whole bunch of circles so I needed to do something with the leftovers. I looked on Pinterest and saw some cute little snowmen. Mike drilled some holes and put in a dowel and I got me a snowman to paint for the front porch.

He is still waiting for his hat. I just can't find the right size log/stick. But I will walk around the neighborhood with my eyes open and Mike will make it for him as soon as I find it.

Then of course, I started browsing Pinterest to see what else Mike can make me. He is having a good time and we have been working together pretty good. I tell him what I want and he does it. 
I found these Christmas tree made out of pallets. Hummmmm.... We don't have a pallet, but we have a whole bunch of scrap wood. 

We sorted through the wood - I showed him what I wanted and bam. I got me a Christmas tree to paint.
I painted it with leftover paint

Then there it was. The cutest little reindeer made out of logs. I told Mike He had to make one for me. 
And sure enough he comes through again.

Isn't he cute sitting on my front porch?
And it didn't cost us a dime. Everything was recycled from stuff we had at the house.

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