Sunday, June 30, 2019

Boys Week

Last week was our yearly sleepover week with Roger and Luke.
We were really looking forward for their visit.
We had big plans for a visit to Papa's work for fishing or pool on Monday. Nope, the rain kept us inside playing Chutes and ladders and Garbage.
Luke wins
Tuesday turned out weather perfect.
Mike came home early from work and we head on over to Lords Park for the zoo and playground. The boys always want stories. I would tell them about my time in this park. Climbing trees, eating mulberries, playing in the creek, and of course the pool. They wanted to see it.
superman style
Both boys were very excited I would let them lay belly down. Apparently they can't do that at school. Opps - Sharen and I would spend hours that way on our swingset and we lived to tell!

We took a trip to "Grandmas Creek" and the boys being bigger and stronger ran up and down the creek with out me worrying about them falling and drowning. They of course were all wet, but nobody cared.

Wednesday was iffy so ran some errands and played around the house.
Mike and I watch Jeopardy everyday and the boys were intrigued.
They got very excited when we turned on the Game Show Network. games all day! Who Knew?
They wanted to watch it all the time.
Jeopardy was favorite, but they loved America Says (both were pretty good at it) and Card Sharks.
Wednesday afternoon Roger wanted to take a bike ride with Papa.
Mike said the path to the library was pretty smooth.
Luke and I drove over in the car and looked for some books to read waiting for Mike and Roger to show up.
Roger made the trip. 3.5 miles round trip.
As soon as Mike told him about the bike path around the pond he wanted to do it with him. It's 4 miles. Mike thought he needed a break so it was on the agenda for Thursday morning.

rest stop selfie

Lets take the long way home
Roger did not want to head home. I was getting worried so after an hour I finally called Mike and told him they had to turn around we were heading to the pool by 11. Roger rode another 7.3 miles.
Steve's mobile park has "Grandkids swim" from 11-1 and I thought they would have a good time.
They did!
papa and Roger
 It didn't take Roger long to make a friend and lost interest in the noodle and Papa.
Luke and Grandma
Luke needed his noodle to grab on. Next time I will listen to Mary and bring his floaty jacket.
Roger's best friend, Mason, was having a birthday party Thursday night so we go back into the city so he could go. Poor thing he had a really busy day and fell asleep in the car on the way in. He needed that power nap for his party at the trampoline park.

I had big plans to take them to Brookfield zoo to see the legoes on Friday so we brought Owen back out with us.
We were all so tired and the weather was not cooperating so we decided to go strawberry picking instead. When we left Elgin it looked ok. We got to Huntley and Kaboom. Rain and lightning.
drove right into this
We made it to Tom's garden, used their bathroom, posed for a picture in the big chair and headed home. Bummer...
had to stand to wet to sit

They spent the afternoon playing in the backyard.
When Mike was little he played Army - These boys played Star Wars/Avengers.

tree stump is a por
Then our week is over.
We had to wait till after Jeopardy before we take them home on Friday, to see if Avi (favorite) wins. He did...

It was fun to be with them and see how they are growing and changing.
Roger amazes me when he solves math problems in his head.
Luke who takes his health in stride and carries on like a trooper. He was very concerned when he saw a baby (small child) riding in a front seat.
Owen who wants to play with his older brothers and still be a kid. He tries very hard to keep up.
Don't get me wrong Mike and I were both tired at the end of the week. But VERY HAPPY.

How many popsicles can 3 boys eat?  Too many.....

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