Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Over spring break Bryan and Mary took the kids to Ashville for vacation. The boys were very excited to take an airplane ride - Just like Mommy and Daddy do when they travel for work.
They wanted to take a short ride just to see how the boys did.
All was well.
On the retrun trip they had a little time to kill at the airport.
The boys were watching the airplanes and Mary noticed that there were some men watching them. her first reaction was they were making too much noise.
Nope these guys were interested in putting them in a commercial they were filming for Allegiant airlines.
Bryan and Mary agreed to it - It was a great way to pass the hour wait.
And Action

Even Bryan got in the Act
No they didn't get paid. The had to sign a waiver for them to use their pictures, but the boys had a great time.
They even drew a crowd asking Mary (who was taking these pictures) if they were famous.
Well the commercial finally came out on You Tube.
Just like they say - It takes an hour to get a minute. In this case it's only 2 second and Luke is the only one who made it thru. Most of it is on the cutting room floor.

Here he is!! He is at the 19 second mark.
A 2 second close up. Seriously Don't' blink!
That's our Luke!!!


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