Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Mike gets up early each morning, around 5:15.
He is usually quite and I can sleep through him getting ready for work.

This morning I heard him and for some reason I could not get back to sleep so I decided to not fight it and got up.
I grabbed my coffee and sneaked out on the back deck to enjoy the crisp morning. I say sneaked because we have a motion sensor on our back porch light and it was dark enough to set it off. I did! but it soon turned off.

I sit there thinking about a conversation I had with my son. Bryan is looking for a new job. A big decision for a man with a mortgage, a wife and 3 kids to consider.
He told me his next week at work is going to be hectic and wished he could be like us.
NO, you can't wish your life away - you have so many memories to make and things to do and explore with your kids. Your job is the means to get where we are.
I told him he can only make the decision that is right for them right now.

I think back on the all the decisions I've made.
Did I make some wrong ones? Wrong - I don't know. I can't admit to that, though some were pretty questionable, but those are the ones that shaped me into who I am.
Would I want to go back and change things? No point in thinking about that - not go happen. I made some tough decisions with my life and I can honestly say that I made the right ones at that time. Though painting our bedroom a bright, bright purple was pretty bad.

I am sorry for some things I've done and said but, who isn't? Nobody is perfect. Hopefully I have been forgiven.
I decided that "What ifs" are not for me...

 Then the sun came peeking over our house and shined his spotlight right on the flag that Stacy painted for me.
I'm thinking that today is going to be a great day.

A quote from my Grandson, Roger, about his kindergarten.
"I do my best and God will take care of the rest."

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