Sunday, April 14, 2019

Feed the Starving Children

Mary and Bryan take Luke and Roger to package meals for hungry children. They have fun doing it and know that are helping children that really need it.
Bryan knew that I would really enjoy it and let me take his place on Saturday while he stayed home for some one on one with Owen (which I was planning on doing).

After a short video about the children we were helping and just what was involved with the process we were assigned to team Cambodia.
Had to wear hairnets
Roger wasn't too thrilled to have his picture taken with the hairnet on. I told him I was an old pro at wearing a hairnet from my days as a middle school cafeteria cook.
hallway of sinks

Everyone was asked to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds. Roger counted - I sang Happy Birthday - same time frame.

Not sure if it was the young girls (and Mary) dumping the food into the bags.
Team Cambodia

Or Roger and Luke, the "packing Ninjas" but we kicked it!
The packing table had 18 numbers on it and they had to put 2 bags on each number. Then into a box. I played a math game with Roger and Luke "How many more do we need?" Roger got the answer right every time using math. Luke ended up counting down the bags, but nailed it too.
Luke and Roger stacking our meals to be packed
I helped them stack them into the box to go to shipping. They were so into it and so good at it. Every time we would finish a box I would shout out (probably too loud) CAMBODIA!! and throw my hands up.  Luke finally joined me and shouted with me. 26 times - Yes, we finished 26 boxes. It was probably because our bag ladies were teenagers with energy. But this Grandma gives the credit to the "packers" department.

Music was playing and I was singing and dancing along really enjoying myself. No one cared. At least I don't think so, maybe I just didn't care what they thought. Either way, good time for me.

A blessing was said over the packaged food and we gathered back into the waiting room to hear our totals for the day. The total  was 253 boxes, enough to feed 178 kids for a month.

Bryan told me that I would enjoy it and feel good after we were done.
He was so right.
I am definitely doing it again.

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