Thursday, May 16, 2019

Back Deck

I love our backyard. I loved sitting in the hot tub enjoying the view.
The hot tub has been gone now for several years and we replaced it with a table and chairs to enjoy dining el fresco.
Last year the neighbors tree took out all the furniture and did some damage to the deck railing. The deck looked like a cage in need of a makeover.
I wasn't too excited about painting it again and looked into replacing it with a concrete patio. That was too expensive for me so I suggested maybe we just replace the railing. We found a metal one at Menards on sale. Mike got busy dismantling the old railing.

The more he tore the thing apart the more I was liking the openness.
He suggested we not have a railing at all. It was well under the recommended height (17 inches). The grandkids are all old enough to navigate the drop off so we took the railing back to the store and saved $1,000.

The more he tore off, the more and more I liked it all open.
With his back to work date drawing near, I knew we had to jump on it right away. We tackled this project together.
I picked out a barberry green and Mike liked it too. Which surprised me - He really doesn't care what colors I paint around the house.
We power washed - We used paint stripper (waste of money), we scraped and scraped and we painted/stained.

Upper deck is complete.
Now to get my swing hung up. Mike bought me a new swing for my birthday in September and it sat in the basement till warmer weather. I didn't see a point in having it hanging all winter. I told him I wanted it hung under the 3 foot overhang we have.
After some thought he knew it wouldn't work. I was disappointed for a minute and then I thought ha, he can make me a stand and then I could move it around the deck if I wanted too. I showed him what I wanted online. He bought the wood. I stained it - I thought about painting it, but couldn't decide what color.
Bryan and Brian stopped by for Mother's day and provided the extra hands to put this badboy together.
 Luke had an assignment for Kindergarten class - He had to poll people - what is their favorite playground equipment. My first answer was "Dah, I'm a twin it's the teeter totter." But then I told him I love to swing too. He told me that he would come over and swing with me. Anytime little man!
It's perfect. They hung it a little lower for me to reach the deck with my short legs. I did make a suggestion for him to make little side tables on the side posts for my drink.
This is my view from my swing.
I could spend hours out there swinging. Probably will.
Still loving my backyard.
Now to get started on the lower deck. ugh.....

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