Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Doing Our Part

I got a text message from Linda asking me if I was making masks. I told her no.
That night I got a call from my stepson Brian asking me if I would me interested in making some masks for his roommates place of work. They needed some.
I then thought jeez, Karen why are you NOT making them?
You have the material. You have the elastic. The neighbor saw to that.
What exactly is stopping you?
I told Brian I would give it a try, so he sent me a specific pattern they were looking for.
I did some research on what people were using for the filters.
Interfacing seemed to be the material of choice. Good Luck with that. Everywhere I looked - Sold Out.
Brian brought over a box of Swiffer dry clothes to use. He saw it online as a substitute.
They weren't looking for masks that will take them into a war zone area. Just precaution for the work place.
Of course, I called my partner in crime (and everything else that matters). Sharen came over and we tagged team this project.
Hard at Work

Feels good to be Helping
Sharen cut out the material with the pattern Brian had given to me and I sewed the pieces together.
We took this on like the serious crafters we are and had a great time doing it.
We both agreed that it was a feel good day.
Spending the afternoon together laughing and talking and doing something important was just what we needed.
We made 2 for Linda and Deanna. and I'm sorry I ever told her I wasn't doing it.
My gosh, if you can't do something for the ones you love the most then shame on you.
Yes, I finally got rid of that crappy Cubs material
All the masks are reversible and washable.

1 comment:

Sister Linda said...

my wonderful lifesavers! used them walking today. Peace of mind. Love you!