Friday, October 22, 2021

Mineral Rights

 Another big reason to travel this way was to visit the Site where Mike has mineral rights.

When his Mother passed away (2009) she left him a small share of minerals rights in western North Dakota. They aren't worth much and royalties are more just a pain in the ass at tax time then anything else.

When a company that deals with buying and selling minerals rights called Mike interested in buying his shares he decided that maybe it was time to let them go. The offer came at just the right time too. He was in the process of getting his brother Jack, who died in March, shares transferred to him and his sister and brother. He contacted the lawyer who helped him in 2009 and he was willing to handle it all for us.

I told Mike we had to visit the site before the deal goes thru. I was very curious what it looked like. Mike being Mike investigated thru the parcel number just where the site was. Or close enough that we thought we could find it. 

It was about 150 miles out of the way of our journey home, but I told Mike we had to find it. He wasn't totally on board, but he went along with me.



It was pumping

All Mine or 5% anyway

It was awesome to see. Turns out sky in ND is just as blue as SD.

Pulling out of there after taking some pictures to share with his sister, Mike admitted to me he's glad I talked him into going. I just knew he would want to see it.

It was very cool.

Golfing in a New State

 When we planned this trip we thought we would be adding 3 new states to our list of states we golfed in.

Mike had planned out where we would be stopping the first night and a few courses in that area. That's how we vacation. I pick the dates and times, Where we should be visiting and Mike gets busy with places to lay our heads and courses to golf. He also plans it so we average only about 7 hour in the car each day. That's about as long as we can manage sitting that long confined in a car. 

Our first stop - in Iowa - it was raining so Iowa was out for golf. We both were OK with that, it's close enough to home for a weekend getaway later.

Next day stop - Rapid City! It was one of the reasons I chose this vacation. Mike has driven thru the upper states about 20 years ago moving our friend Steve to Seattle, and ever since he went we have been talking about going there on vacation.

We had to golf in SD. 

We got a tee time and crossed our fingers the weather would be good. Well the weather was perfect and we added South Dakota to our list. State #17.

We got paired up with a couple - Ted and Lynette, who have a season pass to The Golf Club of Red Rock. She had only been golfing for 4 years and it showed. She didn't take thing seriously and I was just enjoying her company. She was fun. She was a Bronco Fan that shared her beer with me and she was a quilter. She admitted she got tired and just rode the last few holes driving and listening to the music from the golf carts. Yup, golf carts with radios. It was good to get paired up with them. The tee boxes were hard to find.

Me and Lynette

The course was hilly and they wouldn't let you ride to close to the ruff. I know I drove a couple times too close and the cart shut down. Ha... I learned how to back up pretty quickly.

The snow did appear at one T-box that was protected from the sun.

Clear a spot

I got 2 pars and a birdie with no blow up holes. Definitely a great day of golf for me.


Best part was a day out of the car and getting some needed exercise.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Road Trip Excursions


Mike picked the perfect hotel for us to stay in Rapid City right on the road to all the things we wanted to see. The place had free breakfast so we decided to eat a bigger breakfast pack a lite lunch each day and eat on the go. We didn't have to search for a lunch spot and we could eat at one of the many roadside picnic areas.

We planned on our first visit to be Mount Rushmore. We both really wanted to see it and were very anxious to get there. 

There was no traffic and no crowds, we got in and out very easy.

Oh Man - this thing was amazing. 

The weather was nippy, but so clear. The sky was soooo blue I couldn't stop looking up at it.

The best part (besides not costing anything, but parking) was the movie and museum  that they had about the design, planning and making of this magnificent presidents sculpture.

Smaller scale models used

There weren't too many people there and we got right in saw what we wanted and headed on over to our next stop.


This place was a drive thru zoo where the animals ran free - fenced in of course.

Never been to a place like this. Lords Park Zoo doesn't count.




Baby Bears

They did have a small area to walk and see smaller animals. Racoons, Fox, Skunk, Coyotes, all we can see in our backyard. Not too exciting, but we took advantage of it to get some steps in and our legs working again. We spent a lot of time in the car the last few days.

So far a great first day in Rapid City.

Day 2 was planned for first a drive thru Custer State Park. Mike decided to take the first leg, because he wanted to drive the curves, the bridges, and the tunnels. No complaints from me.

Small Single Lane

Peek a Boo Presidents

Mike got to drive the Wildlife Loop - and did we see wildlife! The buffalo had control of this road. Turns out Buffalo walk at 2 MPH.

I Show Where to Go

Going My Way?

That was fun...

The Needles Highway thru the mountains was closed. There was still snow up in the mountains so they recommend we take the tiny inner roads. 

We stopped for our picnic lunch at a beautiful roadside area. Got out and stretched our legs too.

I took over the driving and things got boring. We really thought we had seen everything there, then we take the dirt narrow inter road (we had the choice of turning around and going back the way we came, but Mike talked me into taking the road we hadn't seen yet). OMG buffalo everywhere.

Far Away

And Close Up

Last Stop was to see the Crazy Horse Sculpture being built.
The Crazy Horse Foundation did not want the help of the government so it cost to get into the memorial area. 
Again the movie had really good info about the work being done and the drone footage was worth the time to watch it. The couple who started the thing had 10 kids who are my age now and still working to get it built along with the Grandkids. It's gonna take many more years.
Crazy Horse

The weather has been getting warmer and the sky is still a startling bright blue.
Great Vacation so Far.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Road Trip Day 2

 We made it to the end of Iowa before we decided to stop for the night. The drive down Rt. 20 was long and boring with gas stations few and far between. You think we would of remembered that as we head across South Dakota. We thought it would be different being an interstate. Nope - still no gas stations and borrrring. I guess that's why they called this the "plains". At least we know that the "low on fuel" works on the car. The speed limit was 80, but I still couldn't go that fast.

Finally we get to the Badlands of South Dakota. 

Now we see something.

Rock Formations Above Ground

Rock Formations Below Ground

We both really enjoyed the side trip thru the Rocks. We both wondered about the wagon trains that spent months going across the plains only to run into huge rocks in their path.

One thing that was decided early on once we got on the interstate was a trip to Wall Drug Store in Wall SD. There had to be thousands of billboards advertising the place. Something to grab your attention and keep you awake I guess.  

It turns out the road out of the Badlands was right near Wall. 

A reason to get out of the car and stretch our legs too.

This place is like something you have to see to believe. it's 2 blocks of little shops selling every souvenir known to man kind. Candy stores, Ice cream stores, and small restaurants. We both resisted the temptation. 

On to Rapid City for the next 4 days of sightseeing and golf.

*We stopped for lunch at a Rest Stop and Mike called a golf course he had researched online for a tee time for Sunday. The guy on the phone told us he would take our name and give us a time, but they got 13 inches of snow and he wasn't sure if they would be open. Mike thought he was kidding. After we stopped laughing we travel on with Fingers Crossed... 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Road Trip

 It all started out as a conversation Mike and I had about vacations. We have not gone on a trip since FL in 2/20. I have never been northwest and he has only driven thru it. So "Go West" it is.

We always like to stop along the way and what better place to start this trip then the Field of Dreams. I don't remember if I ever saw the movie - Tell you the truth I don't remember much about any movies. Just my favorites. I Watched the movie again and was pretty sure I never seen it before. Who would forget a movie with a little girl named Karen?

It was a windy, rainy day, but it seems Someone up there was looking out for us, because the rain stopped long enough to walk thru the corn in the outfield.

If you build it will they come? Well, walking out to the mound, I'm sure I heard my brother yelling at me from the dugout. Mom and Dad along with Brandy, the dog, were most definitely sitting in their lawn chairs waiting for the game to start.

Mike stood at home plate and I'm pretty sure he saw his best friend growing up, John running out from the dugout to first base. And for certain his Dad was behind the plate screaming "Play Ball"

So was it Heaven?  Can't say for sure, but I know for certain.


Friday, October 8, 2021

Getaway with the Boys

 Bryan and Mary needed a babysitter so they could attend a wedding.

The wedding was a drive from our house. Instead of them driving back to get the boys after the receptions,  I suggested we all get hotel rooms close to the venue. I found a place, close to a amusement park, and had an indoor pool. I quickly got us adjourning rooms.

We meet up at the Quality Inn. They dropped the boys off with us and head to the wedding and we head on over to the park to have some fun.

First stop was the go cart tracks.

Roger and Mike go to the big boys track and Luke and Owen (who both weren't tall enough) take to the smaller track.


The larger track had a few teenage girls who were there as a group. One managed to T-bone Roger. Who recovered and drove away.
Owen and Luke

Luke and Owen were the only 2 on their track and raced each other around and around sometimes with no hands.

We all got to play mini golf together. 



Owen getting a lesson from Papa

The boys all did really well. We had to call them back a few times - they would hit the ball and run to watch it. We all managed to get a hole in one - And have a really good time. Of course Papa won.

That is something we are definitely putting on "Do Over" list.

After a stop at the DQ we go back to the hotel and hit the pool. 

There was another large family there. Owen quickly made a friend to jump and splash with - they stayed in the shallow end. . Roger and Luke cannon balled and cannon balled and cannon balled.

A small boy, who was clearly NOT a good swimmer, was struggling and going under. He grabbed onto Luke panicking. Luke held his ground and hung on till Papa grabbed the boy. I was so proud of Luke. He didn't hesitate to help that poor boy.

I brought along a beach ball and for 2 hours they batted that ball around the pool.

Playing with Papa

2 hours in the pool and it was time to head back to the rooms and wind down. Mike found a movie for them to watch - Hotel Transylvania and we crawl into bed and wait for Mom and Dad.

Mary came back, but Bryan caught a ride with Andy and went on home. He had a full, stressful week of jury duty.

The next morning we grabbed some breakfast together and head our separate ways. 


It was a whirl wind 20 hours and we both came home tired and Happy We loved it.