Friday, May 12, 2023

And Away They Go

Our neighborhood is changing.

Joel and Melodie came back in late March from spending 4 months over in Eastern Tennessee with her sisters. This soon went up in their yard.

They started their packing - which wasn’t much “they were starting over.” After only 2 days they had 16 offers on their house and a SOLD sign up. They were anxious to get going and start their new life in a mobile home park in Bean Station TN. I’m gonna miss Joel, he was one of us walkers. 

A few weeks later this happened.

These signs have solar lights 

Our friend and neighbor across the street and over one house announced they were moving. Rob was finally retiring and Margaret has convinced him to move closer to the grandkids. In New Jersey. The house sold in 2 days. Margaret has been a friend and great neighbor for 14 1/2 years. She was the one who gave me oodles and oodles of fabric. I’ve made 9 quilts with the material so far including one for her, and my sister Mary, who both were going thru chemo treatments. Margaret is just 3 months older than me. I hope she stays healthy and spend all her time with her grandkids, while Rob plays golf. Margaret liked to stroll up and down the street and sometimes would tag along with us on our walks.

This happen yesterday.

This house is right across the street from Sharen. Nate and Jeannette inherited a house from her beloved Aunt and are moving as soon as they can get the remodeling done at the new house and this one sells. Should happen soon if it goes like the others. They are staying in west Elgin, but a bigger house and yard for their dogs. Archer their boxer bit Sharen on one of our walks. We won’t miss him.

I’m glad that Mike and I moved while we were younger out here to our last home 19 years ago. 

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